Where is Millstone Grit found?

Where is Millstone Grit found?

northern England
“Millstone Grit” is an informal term for a succession of gritstones which are to be found in the Pennines (including the Peak District) of northern England. These sediments were laid down in the late (upper) Paleozoic era, in the Carboniferous period, in deltaic conditions.

What type of rock is grit?

grit, sedimentary rock that consists of angular sand-sized grains and small pebbles. The term is roughly equivalent to the term sandstone (q.v.).

How is gritstone sand formed?

Once it has accumulated, the sand becomes sandstone when compacted by pressure of overlying deposits and cemented by the precipitation of minerals within the pore spaces between sand grains. The most common cementing materials are silica and calcium carbonate.

When was Millstone Grit formed?

The Millstone Grit was deposited as part of a vast river delta system, formed where the river met an ancient sea. The sand and grit material was washed down from a range of ancient mountains formed between 430 to 380 million years ago, during the Devonian period, when the modern day North America collided with Europe.

What is grit composed of?

Grit is composed of small coarse particles of sand, gravel, or other minute mineral material.

What type of rock is Slate?


Type Metamorphic Rock
Miscellaneous Foliation surface is dull and planar; Slaty Cleavage
Metamorphic Type Regional
Metamorphic Grade Low Grade (Low P – Low T)
Parent Rock Shale or Mudstone

What does a millstone do?

millstone, one of a pair of flat, round stones used for grinding grain. One millstone is stationary; the other rotates above it in a horizontal plane.

What type of rock is millstone grit?

Millstone Grit is the name given to any of a number of coarse-grained sandstones of Carboniferous age which occur in the British Isles. The name derives from its use in earlier times as a source of millstones for use principally in watermills. Geologists refer to the whole suite of rocks that encompass…

What is the texture of sandstone grits?

The rock is a typical ‘grit’ a coarse-grained feldspathic sandstone with common pebbly layers. The grains are subangular and consist of colourless quartz, pink/ cream-coloured weathered feldspars, and occasional mica flakes. The rounded pebbles are dominantly of vein quartz.

What are the characteristics of Rivelin grit?

The sandstones of the Rivelin Grit are coarse grained, occasionally pebbly, and show excellent examples of cross-bedding on a variety of scales. Different facies are present within the grit, characterized by the presence or absence of pebbles and the scale and type of the cross-bedding. The shales below the lower leaf contain rare goniatites.

Where are the abandoned millstones in England?

Millstone Edge was a significant source whilst abandoned millstones can be seen below the edges at Stanage, Froggatt and Baslow. Some of the sandstones serve as aquifers into which numerous wells and boreholes have been sunk to provide local water supplies.


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