Where is the Palazzo Medici Riccardi located?

Where is the Palazzo Medici Riccardi located?

Palazzo Medici Riccardi. The Palazzo Medici, also called the Palazzo Medici Riccardi after the later family that acquired and expanded it, is a Renaissance palace located in Florence, Italy.

What is the Medici Chapel in Florence?

The real jewel of the building is on the first floor of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, the Chapel of the Magi frescoed by Benozzo Gozzoli in the fifteenth century. It was the private chapel for the Medici family, but as mentioned above, it also was shown to visitors.

What happened to the Medici Palace in Florence?

The Riccardi renovated the palace and commissioned the magnificent gallery frescoed with the Apotheosis of the Medici by Luca Giordano. The Riccardi family sold the palace to the Tuscan state in 1814 and in 1874 the building became the seat of the provincial government of Florence.

How does the Medici Riccardi compare to other Renaissance buildings?

In the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, the rusticated masonry and the cornice had precedents in Roman practice, yet in totality it looks distinctly Florentine, unlike any known Roman building. Similarly, the early Renaissance architect Brunelleschi used Roman techniques and influenced Michelozzo.

After the transfer of Cosimo de’ Medici to Palazzo Vecchio in 1540, after he became Grand Duke, the palace continued to be inhabited by the lesser members of the family until 1659, when Ferdinando II sold it to the Riccardi marquises.

Who designed the Medici garden in Florence?

Based on a project by Michelozzo, the elegant renaissance courtyard is characterized by classical elements. . 2. Medici Garden The garden is an essential element of the private life of the family where finds the Limonaia, environment enriched by stuccoes and decorations of the eighteenth century.


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