Where was Egberto Gismonti born?

Where was Egberto Gismonti born?

Egberto Amin Gismonti (born December 5, 1947 in Carmo, state of Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian composer, guitarist and pianist. Egberto Gismonti in Buenos Aires, 2017. Gismonti was born in the small city of Carmo, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, into a musical family.

Who is giuseg Gismonti?

Gismonti is a self-taught guitarist. After returning to Brazil, he designed guitars with more than six strings, expanding the possibilities of the instrument. Approaching the fretboard as if it were a keyboard, Gismonti gives the impression that there is more than a single guitar player.

Who taught Gismonti to play guitar?

He studied with Nadia Boulanger (1887–1979), after acceptance as a student by the composer Jean Barraqué, a student of Anton Webern and Schoenberg. Boulanger encouraged Gismonti to write the collective Brazilian experience into his music. Gismonti is a self-taught guitarist.

Who is Erving Gismonti?

Egberto Gismonti is world-renowned as a multi-instrumentalist and composer. He was profoundly influenced by Brazilian master Heitor Villa-Lobos, his works reflecting the musical diversity of Brazil.

How long did Gismonti study music?

Gismonti began his formal music studies at the age of six on piano. After studying classical music for 15 years, he went to Paris to study orchestration and analysis with Nadia Boulanger and the composer Jean Barraqué, a disciple of Arnold Schönberg and Anton Webern. After his return to Brazil, Gismonti began to explore other musical genres.

What inspired Paulo Gismonti to start playing guitar?

Boulanger encouraged Gismonti to write the collective Brazilian experience into his music. Gismonti is a self-taught guitarist. After returning to Brazil, he designed guitars with more than six strings, expanding the possibilities of the instrument.


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