Which AP test is the hardest to pass?

Which AP test is the hardest to pass?

AP Physics 1
AP Physics 1 is the hardest AP class with the least passing rate of 51.6. It means almost half of the students fail this exam.

Which AP exam is easiest?

Top 10 Easiest AP Classes by Exam Pass Rate

AP Class/Exam* Pass Rate (3+) Perfect Score (5)
1. Physics C: Mechanics 84.3% 41.6%
2. Calculus BC 81.6% 44.6%
3. Spanish Literature 75.1% 17.6%
4. Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 74.4% 40.4%

What are the hardest AP tests to get a 5 on?

What are the Hardest AP Classes and Tests?

Exam Name Passing Rate (3+) 5 Rate
United States History 52.10% 11.70%
Chemistry 52.30% 9.70%
European History 53.60% 7.90%
English Literature and Composition 54.60% 7.40%

How difficult is each AP class?

Note that the AP exam passing rate doesn’t necessarily indicate the difficulty of the actual AP course….Easiest and Hardest AP Classes.

AP Exam Percentage of Students Who Scored 3 or Higher
United States History 53.7%
Environmental Science 49.2%
English Literature and Composition 49.7%
Human Geography 49.1%

Is AP Physics 1 harder than AP?

AP Chemistry is more difficult if you are better at Physics than at Chemistry. Both are hard. In fact chemistry and physics 1 have the lowest passing rates of any AP exam. Having taken both, I found chemistry harder, but other found physics harder.

Are AP classes harder than honors?

Difficulty Level Both honors and AP classes can present challenges for students. Honors classes require learners to complete more work than regular courses, and AP classes can be even more demanding.

Is Chem easier than physics?

Physics is slightly harder than chemistry because it is more math-oriented and has more abstract concepts. During high school, most students find chemistry more difficult than physics. 20% more students get a 3 or higher in their AP physics exams as compared to their chemistry exams.

How do you know which AP classes are the hardest?

You might think that the best way to tell which AP classes are the hardest is to look at the national data about how many students pass each test each year. We’ll start our discussion here, but beware that the passing rates don’t automatically tell you which classes are hardest. How far away are you from a 4.0?

How do AP exam passing rates compare to actual difficulty?

Note that the AP exam passing rate doesn’t necessarily indicate the difficulty of the actual AP course. For instance, an AP course may be generally easy and not properly prepare students for the exam, leading to a lower passing rate. While you might expect an exam with a low passing rate to have a difficult course, that’s not always the case.

Should I take an AP exam?

Taking an AP exam can definitely help your college and career prospects, and don’t worry about the classes themselves. We have tips to help navigate AP class pressures. AP exams are graded on a scale of one to five.

How many AP classes are there?

We’ve got all 23 of the main AP classes ranked by difficulty, revealing for the first time EXACTLY which are the easiest AP classes, and which are the hardest. Over 2,000 students who have taken AP exams have provided a review of their course through Reddit’s excellent r/APStudents community.


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