Which careers should INFPs avoid?

Which careers should INFPs avoid?

Based on studies, these are some of the careers to avoid if you are an INFP:

  • Law Enforcement.
  • Sales and Finance.
  • Legal Careers.
  • Military Careers.

What jobs do INFPs do?

INFPs are comfortable in quiet spaces and they naturally enjoy one-on-one conversations.

  • Librarian.
  • Museum curator.
  • Archivist.
  • Guidance counselor.
  • Mental health professional.
  • Physical therapist.
  • Massage therapist.
  • Speech-language pathologist.

Can INFPs be architect?

The profession demands just as much creativity as logic. Renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright is widely reported to have been an INFP. Architecture allows INFPs to exercise their creative muscles without letting them fall into the stereotype of starving artist. Being idealistic can be a huge plus in this profession.

What subjects are INFPs best at?

Language, psychology, the arts, philosophy, religion, humanities, social studies; and sometimes politics, math and finance believe it or not. Originally Answered: What was your favorite school subject as an INFP? Art – when we still had it in middle school, there were no art classes in high school.

Do INFPs make good leaders?

INFPs are naturally inspiring leaders because of their ideals. When they share their ideals for the future, they often inspire others even without trying to. INFPs may also tend to focus too much on the long-term vision and miss chances to make small incremental changes in an organisation.

Can an Infp succeed?

So yes, they can succeed. Infp’s can be very successful, they believe most positively and can achieve their dreams if they stay focused and keep like/ success minded people around them. Don’t get distracted, stay positive and work hard towards your goals. Don’t let others lead you astray or get you down.

Can INFPs be software engineer?

INFP are creative. Software engineering is essentially creative problem solving. It can be fun to design APIs and tools that you know others will like. Because of your strong intuitive (I) and feeling (F) components, you will have a deep understanding of UI and API design.

Can INFP be scientists?

So yes, you can be a science-minded INFP as much as I can be an INTP who’s into arts and humanities. Considering MBTI isn’t a proven science anyone can be a scientist if they want, some people are just more suited to it than others.

Are Infp good leaders?

Can INFP be a CEO?

So, an INFP is not going to want to be a CEO of a company unless it is one they founded and have other reasons to run. They certainly aren’t going to become one by climbing the management ranks. That is not something they are going to be motivated to do, at least not for its own sake.

How do I become an INFP manager?

The INFP would rather be in a leadership role where they are free to encourage people, and don’t have to command them or force them to remain organized. Creative environments are much better for them, especially if there are people who can handle the organization without needing someone to force their hand.


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