Which is the classic example of personification?

Which is the classic example of personification?

Basic Examples of Personification The stars winked in the night sky. Stars, having no eyes, cannot wink. But when you see this phrase, you know that they’re twinkling. The bridge stretched over the interstate.

Which of the following are personified in the Pardoner’s Tale?

The Pardoner’s Tale is a reminder that death is inevitable. Death is personified as a thief who pierces the heart of his victims. This was an iconographic image of death throughout the middle ages and later.

How does Chaucer use personification in the Pardoner’s Tale?

In the Prologue, the narrator uses personification to describe weather conditions, such as a drought and the wind, which is called Zephyr. It is also used to describe Nature. In The Pardoner’s Tale, Death is personified in the eyes of the characters, but when they attempt to slay Death, they find out what it truly is.

Which of the following is an personification?

Personification gives human traits and qualities, such as emotions, desires, sensations, gestures and speech, often by way of a metaphor. Personification is much used in visual arts. Examples in writing are “the leaves waved in the wind”, “the ocean heaved a sigh” or “the Sun smiled at us”.

What are two examples of personification in the Pardoner’s Tale?


  • “There came a privy thief, they call him Death” (line 72)
  • “He’s killed a thousand in the present plague,” (line 76)
  • “’If we can only catch him, Death is dead!’” ( line 107)
  • “A certain traitor Death who singles out/ And kills the fine young fellows hereabout”(line 152-153)

Did the Pardoner personify death?

The Pardoner in “The Pardoner’s Tale” personifies death as an “old, old fellow.” He meets three drinkers while they are out searching for him–death.

What are two examples of personification in the Pardoner’s tale?

What is personified in this tale and why would the Pardoner choose this type of tale to tell?

In this tale, the Pardoner is telling the story of some men who were drinking late at night in a tavern. They hear a corpse being carried to its grave outside. They are told that the corpse was a friend of theirs who died while drinking. So death is personified as a thief carrying a spear.

What is an example of personification?

Personification is a form of metaphor, a literary device comparing two things by applying the qualities of one thing to another. One famous example is the Walt Whitman line, “And your very flesh shall be a great poem.” Whitman isn’t suggesting that your flesh is literally a poem—that would be both impossible…

What is an example of personification in the one and only Ivan?

The following is an example of personification used in The One and Only Ivan by Katharine Applegate. The main character Ivan is a gorilla that is given human qualities. The following lines make it seem like he thinks and expresses himself like a human.

What is the difference between personification and anthropomorphism?

Personification is when you give an object or animal human behaviors. An example of personification would be in the nursery rhyme “Hey Diddle Diddle,” where “the little dog laughed to see such fun.”. Anthropomorphism is when you make an object or animal dress and behave like a human.

How do you personify objects nature animals and humans?

The following statements personify objects, nature, or animals. The dog patiently sat at the door until he was let outside. The dog is given the human characteristic of patience. The gentle breeze swept over the field of grass. The breeze is given the human characteristic of mild behavior and moderation.


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