Which is the most populated city of India in 2011?

Which is the most populated city of India in 2011?

In 2011, about 18.4 million people lived in Mumbai, making it India’s most populous city.

What is the urban population of India in 2011?

377 million
The total urban population in the country as per Census 2011 is more than 377 million constituting 31.16% of the total population. 2. Class I UAs/Towns: The UAs/Towns are grouped on the basis their population in Census.

How many population live in city in India?

The population residing in urban areas in India, according to the 1901 census, was 11.4%, increasing to 28.53% by the 2001 census, and is now currently 34% in 2017 according to The World Bank. According to a survey by UN, in 2030 40.76% of country’s population is expected to reside in urban areas.

What was the population of India in 2011 in percentage?

India’s population accounts for world’s 17.5 per cent population. The provisional data of Census 2011 was released by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India C.

Which city is most populated in India?

The population in New Delhi was approximately 28.5 million, the most among the leading Indian cities in 2019. Mumbai and Kolkata rounded up the three most populated cities across the country that year.

Who is literate person according to Census 2011?

As per Census, a person aged seven and above who can both read and write with understanding in any language, is treated as literate.

Which is mega city in India?

As per a mega cities trends and analysis report from Jeevan Raksha, a public-private partnership initiative by Proxima, a management consulting firm, with technical support and guidance of the PHFI, 8.45 million people or 6 per cent of India’s population live in six mega cities – Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi.

What is the increase percent of population in 2011 as compared to 1991?

Censuses of India, 1901-2011

Census Years Population Annual Growth Rate (percent)
1981 683,329,097 2.2
1991 846,421,039 2.2
2001 1,028,737,436 2.0
2011 1,210,193,422 1.6

What is the most populous state in India?

Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state of India. Uttar Pradesh with a population of roughly 205 million is the most populous state of India.

What state has the largest Indian population?

India’s largest state is Uttar Pradesh which, with a population of 199,581,520 in 2011, is larger than most countries in the world. If it were a country in its own right, it would be the fifth largest in the world, falling just behind China, India, the United States and Indonesia.

What are the causes of overpopulation in India?

Causes in India Hot Climate. One of the reasons for the fast-rising population in India is its hot climate. Child Marriage and Multi Marriage System. Religious Superstitions. Illiteracy and Unawareness. Poverty. Birth Rate. Death Rate. Indifferent towards Family Planning. Lack of Social Security. Arrival of Refugees.

How many is the population of India by crore?

The total population in India is estimated at 1.366 billion or 1,366 million or 136.6 crore people in 2019. There are 71.7 cr males and 66.3 cr females living in India. India is the second most populous country in the world behind China.


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