Which is the resting structure produced by Rhizoctonia fungus?
Which is the resting structure produced by Rhizoctonia fungus?
Following invasion of the host by Rhizoctonia solani, sexual spores are formed on specialized structures called basidia.
What is the function of sclerotia?
sclerotia (/skləˈroʊʃə/), is a compact mass of hardened fungal mycelium containing food reserves. One role of sclerotia is to survive environmental extremes. In some higher fungi such as ergot, sclerotia become detached and remain dormant until favorable growth conditions return.
How are sclerotia formed?
Sclerotia are formed primarily from compact masses of monilioid cells, but they may be formed from undifferentiated hyphae. The barrel-shaped cells average 20–22μm wide, and 30–35μm long, and are thicker than the ordinary hyphae.
Where is Rhizoctonia solani found?
solani primarily attacks seeds of plants below the soil surface, but can also infect pods, roots, leaves, and stems. The most common symptom of Rhizoctonia is “damping off”, or the failure of infected seeds to germinate.
How can solani prevent Rhizoctonia?
Stress factors such as excess or deficiency of water and fertilizer are important considerations in preventing Rhizoctonia diseases. Avoid periods of wet conditions followed by dry conditions. The fungus is favored by warm moist conditions. Severely affected plants should be removed promptly.
What are the so called anastomosis groups of Rhizoctonia solani?
solani is a species complex of several anastomosis groups (AGs) based on the hyphal fusion of isolates which differ in genotypic and phenotypic characters13. To date, thirteen AGs designated as AG1–AG13 and AG-BI have been assigned on the basis of hyphal anastomosis interactions14,15. Although AGs of R.
What is Plectenchyma explain the two types?
Plectenchyma is the general term used for fungal tissues. It is a parenchymatous tissue formed by more or less tightly interwoven fungal hyphae (mycelium). It consists of two types prosenchyma and prosoplectenchyma.
Are sclerotia asexual?
The structures represented here are sclerotia, asexual reproductive structures that are neither sporangiospores nor conidia. Sclerotia are multicellular structures having a more or less regular morphology and serving as reproductive bodies. Sclerotia often arise from a mass of hyphae that become densly packed.
How do you harvest sclerotia?
After sufficient time has passed and ample sclerotia have formed, it is time to harvest. This is done by picking through the jars and obtaining all the sclerotia. When first harvested, there will be bits of grain and mycelia sticking to the sclerotia. They can be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and water.
What does Rhizoctonia cause?
Symptoms: Rhizoctonia causes a variety of symptoms including damping off, stem lesions, stem rot, root rot, crown rot, and aerial web blighting. Infection causes wilting, stunting and possibly plant death. Some vegetatively propagated plants are susceptible to rot at the base of the cutting.
What crops affect Rhizoctonia?
The disease affects most major crops to varying degrees, with barley being most susceptible and oat crops least susceptible. Bare patch and root rot of cereals, and damping off and hypocotyl rot of oilseed and legumes are all caused by differing strains of Rhizoctonia solani.
What is Rhizoctonia solani?
Rhizoctonia solani isa fungus that attacks tubers, underground stems, and stolons of potato plants. Although it probably occurs wherever potatoes are grown, it causes economically significant damage only in cool, wet soils.
What is the scientific name of Rhizoctonia?
Rhizoctonia solani, the most widely recognized species of Rhizoctonia was originally described by Julius Kühn on potato in 1858. Rhizoctonia solani is a basidiomycete fungus that does not produce any asexual spores (called conidia) and only occasionally will the fungus produce sexual spores ( basidiospores ).
How does are solani survive as a mycelium?
R. solani also survives as mycelium by colonizing soil organic matter as a saprophyte, particularly as a result of plant pathogenic activity. Sclerotia and/or mycelium present in soil and/or on plant tissue germinate to produce vegetative threads (hyphae) of the fungus that can attack a wide range of food and fiber crops.
Is are solani a fungal pathogen?
R. solani is a specialized pathogen. Only a subset of the isolates of this fungal species can cause cankers on potato. Isolates are grouped by the ability of their hyphae to fuse; isolates that can fuse, or anastomose, are in the same anastomosis group (AG).