Which OSHA administrator did Ronald Reagan appoint?

Which OSHA administrator did Ronald Reagan appoint?

Thorne G. Auchter
The key decision affecting OSHA during any Administration is the choice of a person to head it. In February 1981 President Reagan announced that he would nominate Thorne G. Auchter for that post.

What is the central theory of Reaganomics or supply-side economics?

Supply-Side Economics. Reaganomics policy based on the theory that allowing companies the opportunity to make profits, and encouraging investment, will stimulate the economy and lead to higher standards of living for everyone. Argued that tax cuts can be used stimulate economic growth.

What did Reagan do to stop communism?

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements, many of which perpetrated acts of terror, in an effort to “roll back” Soviet-backed pro-communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

What did Reaganomics do to the economy?

Cutting federal income taxes, cutting the U.S. government spending budget, cutting useless programs, scaling down the government work force, maintaining low interest rates, and keeping a watchful inflation hedge on the monetary supply was Ronald Reagan’s formula for a successful economic turnaround.

Did Supply-side economics work under Reagan?

The administration of Republican president Ronald Reagan promoted its fiscal policies as being based on supply-side economics. Reagan made supply-side economics a household phrase and promised an across-the-board reduction in income tax rates and an even larger reduction in capital gains tax rates.

How does Reagan describe the Soviet Union?

The “Evil Empire” speech was a speech delivered by U.S. President Ronald Reagan to the National Association of Evangelicals on March 8, 1983 during the Cold War. In that speech, Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” and as “the focus of evil in the modern world”.

What was Reagan’s main domestic policy?

Reagan’s policies stressed conservative economic values, starting with his implementation of supply-side economic policies, dubbed as “Reaganomics” by both supporters and detractors. His policies also included the largest tax cut in American history as well as increased defense spending as part of his Soviet strategy.


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