Which polymer has high Tg value?

Which polymer has high Tg value?

These types of interactions increase the rigidity of polymeric material therefore increase the glass transition temperature. Polyvinyl chloride has higher Tg than polyethylene and Nylon-6 also has higher transition point than polyolefin.

What is the glass transition temperature Tg?

Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) is the point at which a material alters state – going from a glass-like rigid solid to a more flexible, rubbery compound. Tg is normally measured on a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) piece of whizzy equipment.

What is approximate Mer weight g mol of polymethyl methacrylate?

Thermo-Physical Properties: Calculated Data

Molecular Weight of Repeat unit g mol-1 100.12
Van-der-Waals Volume VvW mL mol-1 56.20
Molar Volume Vm mL mol-1 83.7 – 86.5
Density ρ g mL-1 1.16 – 1.20

How is Tg calculated?

Tg is typically calculated by using a half-height technique in the transition region. The heating rate and sample heat history are a couple of factors that may affect the test result. Depending on the equipment capability, DSC can be used for a wide range of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers.

What is methyl methacrylate used for in dentistry?

Methyl methacrylate (MMA), in liquid form, is used to restore the damaged areas of acrylic dentures to normal function and appearance, quickly and efficiently. A widely used monomer in dentistry and medicine has been reported to cause abnormalities or lesions in several organs.

What is methyl methacrylate made of?

Methyl methacrylate (MMA) refers to an organic compound that contains a methyl ester of methacrylic acid. Its chemical formula is C5H8O2. Methyl methacrylate is a reactive resin and its polymerized form has useful applications, such as: Adhesives and sealants.

How is HDT measured?

The test sample is submerged in oil for which the temperature is raised at a uniform rate (usually 2°C per minute). The load is applied to the midpoint of the test bar that is supported near both ends. The temperature at which a bar of material is deformed 0.25mm is recorded as the HDT.


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