Which social media app is most popular 2021?

Which social media app is most popular 2021?

The 15 Biggest Social Media Sites and Apps [2021]

  • Facebook – 2.74 Billion Active Users.
  • YouTube – 2.291 Billion Active Users.
  • WhatsApp – 2.0 Billion Active Users.
  • Facebook Messenger – 1.3 Billion Active Users.
  • Instagram – 1.221 Billion Active Users.
  • Weixin/WeChat – 1.213 Billion Active Users.
  • TikTok – 689 Million Active Users.

What is social media Oxford?

noun. noun. [uncountable, plural] websites and software programs used for social networking Social media is a big part of my life.

Is discord a social media?

While those intentions are admirable, Discord – Chat for Gamers is still a social network that’s primarily for adults. Though the developers are committed to fostering a positive online space, there have been issues with abusive language and unkind behavior.

What are the top 10 most popular social networking sites?


  • Twitter.
  • LinkedIn.
  • YouTube.
  • Instagram.
  • Pinterest.
  • Tumblr.
  • Snapchat.
  • Reddit.
  • Flickr.
  • Which is best social networking site?

    Most of us already know that Facebook is the top social network on the web. It’s a thriving beast of a social networking site on the web with about 2 billion monthly active users and more than one billion that log on daily (according to Facebook itself).

    What are the safest social networking sites?


  • Keybase
  • Telegram
  • Mastodon
  • Snapchat
  • Steemit
  • Minds
  • Element
  • Whatsapp
  • Pinterest
  • Why are social networking sites so popular now?

    Opportunity to Meet New People. Social networking gives people an opportunity to meet new people around the world.

  • Social Networking Sites are User-friendly. Popular social networking sites are built in such a way that they are very much user friendly.
  • Join Groups that Share your Interests.
  • They are Free to Use.
  • Job Market.
  • Helps Businesses to Reach Out.
  • author

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