Which surface is more heavily cratered?

Which surface is more heavily cratered?

Therefore, older surfaces have more impact craters. Mercury and the Moon are covered with impact craters; their surfaces are very old. Venus has fewer craters; its surface has been covered recently (in the last 500 million years!) by lava flows that obscured the older craters.

What is Titan’s surface like?

Titan is an icy moon with a surface of rock-hard water ice, but Titan also likely has a liquid water ocean beneath its surface.

Which of the following has the thickest atmosphere?

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is bigger than the planet Mercury and has the thickest atmosphere of any known planetary satellite.

Which of the following moons is considered likely to have a deep subsurface ocean of liquid water?

Which moon is considered likely to have a deep, subsurface ocean of liquid water? Europa has a surface of water ice, but below the surface tidal heating probably melts the ice into liquid water.

Which hemisphere of Mars is more heavily cratered?

southern hemisphere
Mars has experienced significant bombardment. The southern hemisphere is more heavily cratered than the northern hemisphere. Winds are the main erosional force on Mars and windblown dust and soil erode craters over time.

Does Venus have a cratered surface?

There are craters on Venus, but not many. Craters on Venus are different from craters on other planets. The planet’s thick atmosphere stops the smaller objects from even reaching the surface of Venus; they just burn up in the atmosphere. There are about 1000 craters identified on the surface of Venus.

What is Titan’s surface composition?

The surface is composed mainly of water ice, hydrocarbons, and possibly methane and ammonia ice. There is evidence for the recent condensation of ices on the surface of Titan, perhaps by active geologic processes.

Which gas giant has the thickest atmosphere?

Titan’s atmosphere: One of the thickest atmosphere’s in the Solar System (2nd only to Venus) is Titan. Titan’s current atmosphere is 90% N2 and 7% CH4 (methane). Since Titan formed in the outer Solar System where it is much cooler, and contains more icy materials such as NH3 (ammonia) and CH4.

Why thickness of atmosphere is maximum over?

High insolation and strong convection currents result in expansion of air, at the equator. Thereby the thickness of the atmosphere is maximum over the equator.

Which moon has a thick atmosphere?

Our solar system is home to more than 150 moons, but Titan is unique in being the only moon with a thick atmosphere.

Which moon of Jupiter is likely to have a deep subsurface ocean of liquid water?

3.2 Europa: “Earth-like” Subsurface Ocean. Europa is one of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter that gained significant astrobiological interest after the Voyager 1 and 2 flybys and subsequent Galileo orbiter mission because of the likelihood of an ocean of liquid water beneath its surface.


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