Who are pardhi people?

Who are pardhi people?

Numbered approximately 300,000, the Pardhis are a nomadic tribal community, based in rural Maharashtra. The word Pardhi is derived from the Marathi word ‘Paradh’ which means hunting. Traditionally, they are hunter-gatherers and experts in ancient weaponry like bows and arrows, swords and hunting traps.

How many tribes are there in Madhya Pradesh?

There are 46 recognized Scheduled Tribes in Madhya Pradesh, India, three of which have been identified as ‘Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PTGs)(formerly known as ‘Special Primitive Tribal Groups’).

How is tribe different from caste?

(a) A tribe theoretically is a territorial group while a caste is a socio-cultural group. When a tribe loses its territorial character, it takes the form of a caste. A caste or tribe may change its name and also its mode of livelihood and still retains its collective identity.

What is the caste system?

Within a caste system, each member generally knows his or her place, and your social status is usually apparent to others as well. Historically, the caste system has been associated with India, but other places have had the system, too. Although people associate the caste system with India, the word is actually borrowed from the Portuguese.

How many castes are there in India?

Although there are 4 main castes, the system is divided into thousands of sub-castes, further dividing the people of India. Additionally, there is a whole separate caste, who society believes to be so vile that they aren’t considered part of the system at all – the Untouchables or Dalits.

How did the caste system portrayed its ugly face during British rule?

Caste system portrayed its ugly face during the British rule. It became a real menace for the Indian society when the colonisers used caste as a weapon for social control. The English started acquiring control of India in 1757, they supported Brahmins by restoring a few privileges which they had been denied during the Mughal rule.

What are the different types of castes in Bhagavad Gita?

Castes or sub-castes besides the four mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita include such groups as the Bhumihar or landowners, Kayastha or scribes, and the Rajput, who is a northern sector of the Kshatriya or warrior caste. Systems similar to the caste system were prevalent in European and American societies as well.


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