Who invented balloon frame construction?

Who invented balloon frame construction?

Chicago architect John M. Van Osdel attributed the invention to Chicago carpenter George W. Snow in 1832. The Chicago History Museum and other scholars point out that Virginia carpenters in the 17th century — facing similar pressures to build fast — employed similar techniques.

What’s wrong with balloon framing?

Balloon-frame, which was built from the early 19th century until World War II, poses unique firefighting problems because it lacks horizontal fire stops between the studs inside of the exterior walls.

Is balloon framing still used today?

Balloon framing is no longer used today, Stack said. It has been replaced by a style called platform framing, which eliminates the problem of void spaces that comes with balloon framing, he said.

When was balloon framing introduced?

Snow, invented the balloon frame in 1832 and revolutionized construction practice. Chicago architect John M. Van Osdel erroneously attributed the invention to Snow in 1883, and subsequent histories accepted the story.

Is balloon framing better?

The main advantage balloon framing has over platform framing is the increased wind load strength. The roof structure tied to the sole plate by the continuous studs make balloon framing very popular in hurricane-prone areas. Balloon frame structures also have less settling than platform framing as a result of shrinkage.

When did balloon framing stop?

Post and beam, which is now used predominantly in barn construction. Balloon framing using a technique suspending floors from the walls was common until the late 1940s, but since that time, platform framing has become the predominant form of house construction.

When did platform framing replace balloon framing?

Historically, people fitted naturally shaped wooden poles together as framework and then began using joints to connect the timbers, a method today called traditional timber framing’ or log framing. In the United States, timber framing was superseded by balloon framing beginning in the 1830s.

What are the advantages of balloon framing?

When did balloon frame construction start?

Snow, invented the balloon frame in 1832 and revolutionized construction practice. Chicago architect John M. Van Osdel erroneously attributed the invention to Snow in 1883, and subsequent histories accepted the story.

When was balloon framing used?

According to architectural historian Paul E. Sprague, balloon framing was first used by George Washington Snow in the construction of a warehouse in Chicago in 1832.

What is a balloon frame in construction?

A balloon frame is a frame that is used in construction to build buildings. This frame is made out of wooden studs that are placed at even distances in order to distribute the building’s weight.

What is balloon style framing?

In balloon framing, the studs (vertical members) extend the full height of the building (usually two stories) from foundation plate to rafter plate, as contrasted with platform framing, in which each floor is framed separately. Balloon framing is used primarily in Scandinavia and in the United States.

What is balloon framing construction?

Balloon framing is one of the earlier wood construction methods. Light frames of wood are constructed around studs that run continuously from top to bottom of a building.


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