Who is Bernice Marty and Laverne in Catcher in the Rye?

Who is Bernice Marty and Laverne in Catcher in the Rye?

Identify Bernice, Marty and Laverne. They were three young women from Seattle on vacation in New York. Holden met them and danced with them in the Lavender Room.

How does Holden describe Bernice?

The hot blonde who Holden dances with in the Lavender Room. She’s a lousy conversationalist, but a terrific dancer with—as Shmoop’s mom would say—a cute figure.

What is Bernice good at in Catcher in the Rye?

Bernice, Marty, and Laverne Three thirtyish tourists from Seattle, they leave Holden with the tab at the Lavender Room. Bernice is a very good dancer.

How does Holden overstep the bounds of propriety with Bernice?

How does Holden overstep the bounds of propriety with Bernice? Holden kisses Bernice on the head, then uses profanity.

What does Laverne keep asking Holden?

What does Laverne keep asking Holden? He keeps sarcastically saying that this makes her witty. Laverne keep telling Holden to ask his father what he is doing tonight.

Who is Holden’s roommate?

Stradlater. Holden’s roommate at Pencey Prep. Stradlater is handsome, self-satisfied, and popular, but Holden calls him a “secret slob,” because he appears well groomed, but his toiletries, such as his razor, are disgustingly unclean.

What was the big mess Holden got into?

What was the “big mess” Holden got into when he got back to the hotel after being at Ernie’s? He got roped into buying a prostitute and ended up getting punched by the pimp, Maurice.

Why does Holden think of the Ducks again?

Holden’s desperate need to find out about the ducks symbolizes his need to survive his own emotional “winters.” Holden struggles with change, especially after his brother’s death, so knowing where the ducks go also represents a comfort he might find if he can prove that difficult change isn’t always bad or permanent.

What causes Holden to almost neck with Jane?

He thinks about Jane and he remembers how they met and what they did the summer before his sophomore year. He thinks he knows her “like a book.” What causes Holden to almost “neck” with Jane? Once, during the newsreel at the movie, she touched the back of his neck in such a way that it made a huge impression on Holden.

Why does Holden never call Jane?

Holden does not call Jane Gallagher because he says he is not in the mood (an excuse he has used before).

Who does Holden end up calling what did she used to do?

Holden begins to feel aroused, so he calls Faith Cavendish, a promiscuous girl recommended to him by a boy he met at a party and tries to make a date with her. She refuses, claiming she needs her beauty sleep.

What happens when Holden tries to order a drink?

Holden makes it down to the Lavender Room, hates the band, but doesn’t mind the blonde across the room. He tries to order a drink and once again gets the old “What are you, twelve?” So he ends up with a coke. Holden goes back to eyeing the blonde, who’s sitting at a table with two other giggling women.


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