Who is Bertolt Brecht?

Who is Bertolt Brecht?

Bertolt Brecht was born on 10 February 1898 in Augsburg, Germany and one of the country’s most influential poets, playwrights and screenwriters. His most famous work was the musical “The Threepenny Opera” (with Kurt Weill), but his dramas such as “Mother Courage and Her Children” or “The Good Person of Sezuan” were equally successful.

What religion was Bert Brecht’s parents?

Brecht’s mother was a devout Protestant and his father a Roman Catholic (who had been persuaded to have a Protestant wedding). The modest house where he was born is today preserved as a Brecht Museum. His father worked for a paper mill, becoming its managing director in 1914.

Why did Bert Brecht leave the United States in 1947?

Brecht left the United States in 1947 after having had to give evidence before the House Un-American Activities Committee.

When did Brecht start writing about socialism?

In 1926 a series of short stories was published under Brecht’s name, though Hauptmann was closely associated with writing them. Following the production of Man Equals Man in Darmstadt that year, Brecht began studying Marxism and socialism in earnest, under the supervision of Hauptmann.

What is the best book on Brecht?

The best book in English on Brecht is Frederic Ewen, Bertolt Brecht: His Life, His Art and His Times (1967). A good introduction, which points up the political issues sharply, is Martin Esslin, Brecht: The Man and His Work (1960).

What was Brecht’s religion?

Bertolt Brecht was born on Feb. 10, 1898, in Augsburg. The son of a Catholic businessman, Brecht was raised, however, in his mother’s Protestant faith. In 1917 he matriculated at the University of Munich to study philosophy and medicine.

Why is Brecht considered a dramatist?

Brecht is a dramatist because his language is felt physically and in the round.” That year he married the Viennese opera singer Marianne Zoff. Their daughter, Hanne Hiob, born in March 1923, was a successful German actress.


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