Who is christina Grant?

Who is christina Grant?

Christina Grant is acting state superintendent for the District of Columbia. She is the past superintendent of the Great Oaks Foundation, a charter management organization that opens schools in high-need communities.

Who is the head of Osse?

Dr. Christina Grant
Christina Grant. Dr. Christina Grant is the Acting State Superintendent of Education for the Office of the State Superintendent of Education.

Who runs DC?

Lewis D. Ferebee is the Chancellor of DC Public Schools (DCPS), selected by Mayor Muriel Bowser in 2018. Bringing 20 years of experience to his position as Chancellor, Dr.

Where is Geoffrey Canada now?

Since 1990, Canada has been president of the Harlem Children’s Zone in Harlem, New York, an organization that states its goal is to increase high school and college graduation rates among students in Harlem.

Who does osse report to?

OSSE serves as the District’s liaison to the US Department of Education and works closely with the District’s traditional and public charter schools to achieve its key functions: Overseeing all federal education programs and related grants administered in the District of Columbia.

How are DC schools funded?

The UPSFF is the primary funding source for DC’s public schools and allocates funds to each student in DC based on their individual needs, regardless of the school they attend. This is supplemental funding on top of the existing at-risk weight, which over-age high school students will continue to receive.

How many schools are in DC?

117 schools
SCHOOLS DCPS serves more than 51,000 students and operates 117 schools across the District of Columbia. Learn more about our schools at dcps.dc.gov.

Who started the Harlem Children’s Zone?

Geoffrey Canada
Harlem Children’s Zone/Founders

Media coverage. The 60 Minutes television program profiled the HCZ, including an interview with founder Geoffrey Canada, on 14 May 2006 and a follow up program on December 6, 2009.

What kind of leader is Geoffrey Canada?

Having worked with Harlem Children’s Zone for more than 30 years, Geoffrey Canada is renowned as a thought leader and passionate advocate for education reform. One of the most ambitious social-policy experiments of our time.


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