Who is Leszek Kolakowski?

Who is Leszek Kolakowski?

Leszek Kolakowski, (born Oct. 23, 1927, Radom, Pol.—died July 17, 2009, Oxford, Eng.), Polish philosopher and historian of philosophy who became one of Marxism ’s greatest intellectual critics. Kolakowski was educated privately and in the underground school system during the German occupation of Poland in World War II.

Who is Wladyslaw Kołakowski?

In Poland, Kołakowski is regarded as a philosopher and historian of ideas but also as an icon for opponents of communism. Adam Michnik has called Kołakowski “one of the most prominent creators of contemporary Polish culture”.

What is the contribution of Kolakowski to modern thought?

Kolakowski became increasingly fascinated by the contribution that theological assumptions make to Western culture and, in particular, modern thought. For example, he began his Main Currents of Marxism with an analysis of the contribution that various forms of ancient and medieval Platonism made, centuries later, to the Hegelian view of history.

Where did Jan Kołakowski grow up?

Kołakowski was born in Radom, Poland. He did not enjoy formal schooling during the German occupation of Poland (1939–1945) in World War II, but did read books and took occasional private lessons, passing his school-leaving examinations as an external student in the underground school system.


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