Who is Pablo Cardenal?

Who is Pablo Cardenal?

A first cousin of the poet Pablo Antonio Cuadra, Cardenal studied literature in Managua and then from 1942 to 1946 in Mexico and from 1947 to 1949 in New York City. In 1949 and 1950, he traveled through Italy, Spain and Switzerland .

How did Daniel Cardenal die?

On 1 March 2020, Cardenal died due to complications from ongoing heart and kidney problems. His funeral was held in the Managua Cathedral on March 3, 2020, and was disrupted by at least 100 pro-Ortega protestors who shouted “viva Daniel” and “traitor” at his Nicaraguan flag-draped casket.

What is the main idea of the poems of Robert Cardenal?

Cardenal’s early poems take on love, social criticism, political passion, and the quest for a transcendent spiritual life. Though Cardenal studied to become a priest with Merton in Gethsemani, Kentucky, he finished his studies in Cuernevaca, Mexico, where he was ordained in 1965.

Where did father Cesar Cardenal grow up?

Cardenal was born into an upper-class family in Granada, Nicaragua. He studied at Colegio Centro America in Nicaragua. One of his brothers was fellow priest Fernando Cardenal.


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