Who is the audience of I want a wife by Judy Brady?

Who is the audience of I want a wife by Judy Brady?

Audience: Clearly Judy Brady is writing to married men and women. She is trying to get out to the public that these expectations and these stereotypes of roles of women, should stop. This goes back to her exigence, which is the unfairness of roles of women.

Does Judy Brady really want a wife?

I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied. And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand sexual attention when I am not in the mood for it.

Which rhetorical device is used most frequently in Judy Brady’s I want a wife?

Satire- The rhetorical strategy Brady relies on the most is Satire. Her satire is formed from a satirical tone, irony, hyperbole, and condescending tone.

What is Brady’s main claim in I want a wife and what evidence does she give to support her claim?

She argues that women are treated unfairly in marriages and that it is wrong, degrading and women do not belong under the power of men. Her central argument is that women’s roles in marriages are difficult and unequal to a mans.

Why I Want a wife by Judy Brady all about?

The point of the essay “I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady is that a marriage is supposed to be a partnership and is not an ownership. The essay is important because wives and husbands need to know that it takes teamwork to make a marriage be successful. She is a wife.

Why I want a wife Judy Brady summary?

The point of the essay “I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady is that a marriage is supposed to be a partnership and is not an ownership. The essay is important because wives and husbands need to know that it takes teamwork to make a marriage be successful. The intended audience of the essay is for both husband and wife.

How does Judy Brady use satire in I want a wife?

In the satire “I Want a Wife,” Brandy uses sarcastic tones and one sided opinions to criticize married men for expecting so much from their wives. By doing this, she hopes to change men’s views on women. Brady uses men’s one sided opinions on women to reveal how much is expected of them, in particular, wives.

Why I Want a wife by Judy Brady essay?

Why I Want a wife by Judy Brady main idea?

Why I Want a Wife Analysis. In a sarcastic and almost humorous way, Judy Brady exaggerates the expected roles of a common household wife in the 70’s. In doing so, she also takes jabs at husbands as a whole. Her main goal is to get the audience to believe in the inequalities presented in a married couple’s relationship.

What is the theme of I want a wife by Judy Brady?

The main idea of the essay Why I Want a Wife by Judy Brady is that men ‘s perceptions of women still adhere to traditional principles of male dominance and female submissiveness.

Why I Want a wife tone?

The tone in the essay is casual, humorous, sarcastic, and sometimes ironic. The author lists multiple jobs which a wife does and is expected by many to do in many instances. Also, she describes the attitude of men wanting a wife in his life, so he can hinge on her everything and do whatever he want to do in his life.


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