Who owns Artemis Fowl?

Who owns Artemis Fowl?

Disclaimer: Eoin Colfer owns Artemis Fowl, no copyright infringement intended. Butler escorted Juliet out of the study and back to her bedroom. Her memories would need time to settle in. Artemis waited until both of them left before taking the seat at his desk. He entered his passwords (as there were multiple), to access his E-mail.

What kind of ELF is Holly Short?

Holly Short landed on the green lawn of Fowl Manor. There had been a rumor that Artemis Fowl had gotten his memories back, and Julius had sent her to check up on him. She removed her helmet, revealing her shoulder-length curly auburn hair. She was a very pretty elf with green eyes and a fiery attitude.

What did Artemis say when he descended the stairs?

Artemis, with several books under his arm, descended the staircase. He was dressed in a black suit, with the top button of his white shirt unbuttoned. He looked surprised to see her, then smiled. “Holly.” She grinned. “Hi, Mudboy.”


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