Who was Chicomecoatl?

Who was Chicomecoatl?

Chicomecoatl, or seven serpents, female spirit of corn and sustenance, was the most revered deity among the farmers of Central Mexico. The maize goddess Chicomecoatl was the female counterpart of the maize god, Cintéotl. She is often depicted, as seen here, holding two ears of corn in each hand.

Who is the Aztec god of destruction?


Ethnic group Aztec (Nahua)
Festivals Panquetzaliztli
Personal information
Parents • Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl (Codex Zumarraga) • Mixcoatl and Coatlicue (Codex Florentine)

Who is the Aztec god of luck?

Chicomecóatl, (Nahuatl: “Seven Snakes”) also called Xilonen (“Young Maize-Ear Doll”), Aztec goddess of sustenance and, hence, of corn (maize), one of the most ancient and important goddesses in the Valley of Mexico. The number seven in her name is associated with luck and generative power.

What was Centeotl the God of what does this word mean?

In Aztec mythology, Centeōtl [senˈteoːt͡ɬ] (also known as Centeocihuatl or Cinteotl) is the maize deity. Cintli [ˈsint͡ɬi] means “dried maize still on the cob” and teōtl [ˈteoːt͡ɬ] means “deity”. Centeotl was considered one of the most important deities of the Aztec era.

How was Chicomecoatl worshipped?

Maize Deity (Chicomecoatl) 15th–early 16th century Among the many female deities worshipped by the Aztecs, those responsible for agricultural fertility held a prominent place. They were worn by corn goddess impersonators. The sculpture is carved from a narrow stone slab in a flat, angular style.

What did Chicomecoatl?

Mythic, worshipped by the Aztecs of Central America, 1248–1521. Literally “seven serpents,” Chicomecoatl was the Aztec corn goddess, which by extension also made her a goddess of fertility, since corn, as the staple food of the Aztecs, was venerated for its life-giving properties.

What is an Aztec death whistle?

Archaeologists have found instruments made of clay, animal skins, sea shells and other materials at Aztec and Mayan sites across Mexico. The instruments are known as “whistles of death” because historians believe they were used to help guide sacrificial victims on their journey to the afterlife.

Who is black Tezcatlipoca?

Tezcatlipoca, (Nahuatl: “Smoking Mirror”) god of the Great Bear constellation and of the night sky, one of the major deities of the Aztec pantheon. Tezcatlipoca was generally represented with a stripe of black paint across his face and an obsidian mirror in place of one of his feet.

What does Centeotl look like?

Centeotl is often represented in Aztec codices as a young man, with maize cobs and ears sprouting from his head, handling a scepter with green cob’s ears. In the Florentine Codex, Centeotl is illustrated as the god of harvest and crop production.

What did corn mean to the Aztecs?

Maize was the single most important staple of the Aztecs. It was consumed at every meal by all social classes, and played a central role in Aztec mythology. To some of the first Europeans, the Aztecs described maize as “precious, our flesh, our bones”.

What does Chicomecoatl mean in Aztec?

Chicomecoatl was the Aztec goddess of sustenance, especially of corn (maize). She was one of the most ancient and important goddesses in the Valley of Mexico. In the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs, her name means “Seven Snakes.”. She was also called Xilonen, meaning “Young Maize-Ear Doll.”.

What is the Aztec god of corn called?

Chicomecóatl, (Nahuatl: “Seven Snakes”)also called Xilonen (“Young Maize-Ear Doll”), Aztec goddess of sustenance and, hence, of corn (maize), one of the most ancient and important goddesses in the Valley of Mexico.

What does the Aztec god Xilonen mean?

Chicomecóatl, (Nahuatl: “Seven Snakes”)also called Xilonen (“Young Maize-Ear Doll”), Aztec goddess of sustenance and, hence, of corn (maize), one of the most ancient and important goddesses in the Valley of Mexico. The number seven in her name is associated with luck and generative power.

What are the powers of the children of Chicomecoatl?

Children of Chicomecoatl can entangle an opponent with vines which cannot be easily cut. Children of Chicomecoatl can make someone overpower someone with stomach pain making them groan in agony for a long period of time. Children of Chicomecoatl have the ability to summon a huge tree which blocks attacks for a short while.


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