Why are pictures of the Civil War so famous and so important?

Why are pictures of the Civil War so famous and so important?

It allowed families to have a keepsake representation of their fathers or sons as they were away from home. Photography also enhanced the image of political figures like President Lincoln, who famously joked that he wouldn’t have been re-elected without the portrait of him taken by photographer Matthew Brady.

What event elevated the importance and impact of American photojournalism?

Compelling Examples of Photojournalism Photojournalism has always been important, but its impact became even more integral during World War II, when photos taken from the frontlines were sent back home and gave readers a feeling of what was happening a half a world away.

What role does photography play in presenting images of war?

The photographs taken by the official war photographers became tools of propaganda, offering civilians at home a view at the war, while protecting them from the horrors of death. The propaganda photographs offered a censored memory of the war for those who did not actually have to face the dangers of the front line.

What is the most famous picture from the Civil War?

1. The Dead of Antietam (1862)

How does photography relate to history?

The basic concept of photography has been around since about the 5th century B.C.E. It wasn’t until an Iraqi scientist developed something called the camera obscura in the 11th century that the art was born. Even then, the camera did not actually record images, it simply projected them onto another surface.

What was perhaps the most important impact of the Civil War?

The Civil War had a greater impact on American society and the polity than any other event in the country’s history. It was also the most traumatic experience endured by any generation of Americans. At least 620,000 soldiers lost their lives in the war, 2 percent of the American population in 1861.

Why is photo important in news?

Images attract attention. A news article with a photo or graphic element is much more likely to be read, both in print and online. Images invite people to look at the story. If there are five stories on a page, the story most people gravitate to is going to be the one with an image.

What is the importance of photo journalism?

Importance of Photojournalism This makes newspaper reading and news reporting much more effective as now one can relate the news to real life scenes and understand fully what it must be like to be in that actual place at that actual time.

What did war photographers do?

War photography involves photographing armed conflict and its effects on people and places. Photographers who participate in this genre may find themselves placed in harm’s way, and are sometimes killed trying to get their pictures out of the war arena.

Is war/photography morally right?

Rather than perceiving these photographs as a violation of ethical standards, view a war photographer’s work as a way to see what is occurring in conflict-stricken countries. Warfare itself is unethical; a war photographer is only doing their part in bringing its immorality to light.

Are there pictures of the Civil War?

While photographs of earlier conflicts do exist, the American Civil War is considered the first major conflict to be extensively photographed. Not only did intrepid photographers venture onto the fields of battle, but those very images were then widely displayed and sold in ever larger quantities nationwide.

Who took the photos of the Civil War?

Mathew Brady and his associates, most notably Alexander Gardner, George Barnard, and Timothy O’Sullivan, photographed many battlefields, camps, towns, and people touched by the war. Their images depict the multiple aspects of the war except one crucial element: battle.


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