Why did DS9 uniforms change?

Why did DS9 uniforms change?

“The grey & black were designed to give the Enterprise-E crew a more military look that would also have more texture and variations in usage and thus look better on the big screen.” These new unis were designed for the movie First Contact (thus the reference to Enterprise-E).

Why did Voyager not change uniforms?

Because they were stuck in the Delta Quadrant and out of contact with Starfleet, the Voyager crew never made the switch to the updated uniform seen in later DS9 episodes and in the last three TNG films; they continued to use the old DS9 uniforms, although in the episode “Message in a Bottle” the EMH mark II is wearing …

What episode did DS9 change uniforms?

For the Deep Space Nine episode of “Rapture”, the Starfleet uniforms of the crew abruptly change. Instead of the familiar black uniforms with the color blocking on the chest and shoulders to designate Starfleet division, they are grey with a visible color undershirt.

Why did they switch colors in Star Trek?

In The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Susan Sackett and Gene Roddenberry wrote that the uniforms were redesigned because the bright colors of the 1960s original, so vibrant on television, would distract viewer attention on the big screen.

Why did the appearance of Klingons change?

The change in their appearance, as well as their behavior, was the result of Klingon scientists attempting to augment their own physiques with enhanced human DNA left over from a Eugenics war on Earth. The results were disastrous.

What do the different color uniforms mean on Star Trek Voyager?

The colors include white for command; gold for engineering; gray for science, communications and navigation; dark green for security; light green for medical; dark blue for operations; light blue for special services; and red for low-grade officers and officer cadets.

Why did DS9 change their uniforms?

DS9 changed uniforms after Voyager went to the Delta Quadrant. what actually always bugged me is how much the TNG, DS9, and VOY uniforms looked like pajamas. i know that Starfleet isn’t technically a military but i would have preferred a more military looking uniform.

What is the dress code for DS9?

Out of universe answer DS9 was set in a grittier shades of gray setting, so the black uniform symbolized the darker theme of the show. My experience is there is a duty uniform i.e. BDU’s, which is normally worn. Depending on your specific job you could wear blues; blue pants, with a light blue shirt, a tie is optional.

Why do Bashir and Sisko wear TNG style uniforms on DS9?

Now, in the first DS9 episode, Sisko, O’Brien, Dax and Bashir are allshown in the TNG style uniform before they settle on DS9 and have chance to change uniforms. So was the intent that they wear the less formal uniforms on DS9 because — why — because it’s not a ship?

Did Voyager have a different uniform than DS9?

DS9 premiered before Voyager. DS9 later changed to [this uniform] ( http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Starfleet_uniform_ (2370s)) after it debuted in First Contact. Voyager didn’t change aboard ship, although I believe some of the Alpha Quadrant scenes used the newer uniform.


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