Why did Jessica elope with Lorenzo?

Why did Jessica elope with Lorenzo?

Her father has been suspicious and repressive and has denied even ordinary freedom to his daughter and has thus compelled her to revolt and elope. Lorenzo is a friend of Bassanio and a great lover of Jessica. Thus Jessica got a chance to take much of her father’s wealth and jewels with her.

Why does Shylock daughter Jessica plan to elope with?

Gobbo is leaving Shylock’s service to give his allegiance to Bassanio, and Jessica bemoans the loss of his company in a household that is “hell”. In Act 2, Scene 4, Gobbo bears the letter, containing Jessica’s plans to elope with Lorenzo and as much of her father’s valuables as she can find, to Lorenzo.

What information has Jessica given to Lorenzo regarding her elopement?

What information has Jessica given to Lorenzo regarding her elopement? Ans. Jessica has informed Lorenzo that she has planned to leave her father’s house with all the jewels and money that is in the house. She is ready to elope with him in the disguise of a page boy.

What is the elopement plot in The Merchant of Venice?

Jessica’s elopement with Lorenzo is elaborate. Jessica elopes with Lorenzo and, in the process, steals a casket containing her father’s money. She waits until Shylock is out of the house, then, disguised as a boy, throws down the casket to the waiting Lorenzo.

What were the plans made for Jessica’s elopement?

Lorenzo’s plan is that Jessica should dress up as a boy and then be his torchbearer during a street festival. In this way, nobody would notice her and her camouflage would make others believe that she is his male assistant.

What preparations were made by Jessica before her elopement?

What preparations did Jessica make to elope with Lorenzo? Ans-She decided to follow lorenzo’s plan as becoming his torch bearer as a male page and tale all her fathers wealth, money, jewwels.

How does the dinner party facilitate the elopement marriage of Jessica with Lorenzo?

Answer: The dinner party facilitates the elopement of Jessica with Lorenzo. Jessica is free to leave her house as her father is away at Bassanio’s dinner party. Jessica joins them as a torch-bearer dressed as a boy and elopes with Lorenzo.

What does elopement mean in psychology?

n. 1. the departure of a patient from a psychiatric hospital or unit without permission.

What is the opposite of elopement?

Opposite of to break free from confinement or control. remain. stay. abide. linger.

What is patient elopement?

Elopement is defined as a patient who leaves the hospital when doing so may present an imminent threat to the patient’s health or safety because of legal status or because the patient has been deemed too ill or impaired to make a reasoned decision to leave.

What is Jessica’s elopement with Lorenzo in The Merchant of Venice?

Describe Jessica’s elopement with Lorenzo in The Merchant of Venice. Jessica’s elopement with Lorenzo is elaborate. Jessica elopes with Lorenzo and, in the process, steals a casket containing her father’s money. She waits until Shylock is out of the house, then, disguised as a boy, throws down the casket to the waiting Lorenzo.

What religion is Jessica in The Merchant of Venice?

She is Jewish, but after stealing from her father and eloping with Lorenzo, she converts to Christianity. Lorenzo: The man that Jessica elopes with, who also converts her to become a Christain. He is also friends with Bassanio and Antonio.

Who is Lorenzo and Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice?

Lorenzo: The man that Jessica elopes with, who also converts her to become a Christain. He is also friends with Bassanio and Antonio. While Shylock is away at dinner with the Christians, he gives Jessica orders to let no one in and watch the house.

What is Shylock’s daughter’s name in Merchant of Venice?

Jessica (The Merchant of Venice) Jessica is the daughter of Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (c. 1598).


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