Why did Rntcp change to Ntep?

Why did Rntcp change to Ntep?

In 2020 the RNTCP was renamed the National Treatment Elimination Program (NTEP) to emphasize the aim of the Government of India to eliminate TB in India by 2025.

What is the full form of Rntcp?

Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) Tuberculosis (TB) control activities are implemented in the country for more than 50 years.

What are the activities of Rntcp?

Programme activities necessary to achieve RNTCP (2012-2017) targets

  • Strengthening and improving the quality of basic DOTS services.
  • Further strengthen and align with the health system under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
  • Deploying improved rapid TB diagnostics to the field level.

How is sputum graded?

Accordingly, sputum smear is graded as scanty, 1+, 2+, and 3+. Scanty is when the sputum contains 1–9 AFB in 100 fields, grade 1+ for 10–99 AFB in 100 fields, grade 2+ if 1–10 AFB per field (check 50 fields), and grade 3+ for more than 10 AFB per field (check 20 fields), respectively [7].

What is Nikshay portal?

NIKSHAY has been launched by the Government of India with the intention of creating a tuberculosis free nation. NIKSHAY (www.nikshay.gov.in) is a web enabled application, which facilitates monitoring of universal access to TB patients data by all concerned.

Can TB patient get married?

Finally, treatment of TB requires a 6-month or more course of drug therapy and participants generally considered it preferable to delay marriage until the course has been completed.

When did dots start in India?

Following a pilot from 1993 to 1996, the RNTCP was formally launched in 1997 and expanded in a phased manner to all the districts in the country by 2006 [3]. While DOTS remains a mainstay of TB control today, recent years have seen a shift in the ways in which DOTS programmes, such as RNTCP, are evaluated.

What is Rntcp test?

RNTCP has quality assured laboratory network for bacteriological examination of sputum in a three tier system consisting of Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC), Intermediate Reference laboratory (IRL), and National Reference laboratory (NRL).

What is 2+ grading of sputum smear for AFB?


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