Why do Klingons and Romulans have the same ships?

Why do Klingons and Romulans have the same ships?

Two key reasons: The shared battle cruiser from TOS was built as a Klingon ship. During the shooting of the Enterprise Incident, they were unhappy with how the Bird of Prey model was looking, so they made a quick change to the script and reused the Klingon model.

What is the Romulan ship called?

During the Dominion War, the Romulan flagship was the D’ridthau. Its class is unknown, although (given its name, and its status as fleet flagship) it may have been a Warbird (D’deridex-class), or of a new class.

How are the Vulcans and Romulans related?

The Romulans and Vulcans descend from the same ancestor species — specifically, the Romulans are an offshoot of ancient Vulcans. Before they established logic as the foundation for their culture and history, Vulcans were similar to humans — emotional and warlike.

How are Romulan ships powered?

The Romulans use contained singularities as a power source because they are less reliant on computers than the antimatter warp cores employed by other species. Consider first that the Romulans are the only species that appears to use this technology.

What are Romulan ships powered by?

Romulan Warbird In the Star Trek universe, it is twice as big as Picard’s Enterprise D and is powered by an artificial quantum singularity. It noted for its size and power in Star Trek by Picard and his crew. In 2017, Space.com said the Warbird was the 9th best spacecraft in the Star Trek franchise.

What are Star Trek Tribbles?

A tribble. According to Star Trek canon , tribbles are native to the planet Iota Geminorum IV. They appear as small bundles of fur with no other visible features. Their coloring ranges from white and grey to black, as well as speckled brown, yellow and orange.

What is the Star Trek ship called?

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine takes place primarily on a space station, but they have a ship, called the Defiant. The ship in Star Trek: Voyager is called Voyager.

What was the name of the Star Trek ship?

In Gene Roddenberry ‘s original Star Trek pitch, the starship is described as a “United Space Ship”, and in two episodes of The Original Series (TOS), Kirk refers to the “United Space Ship Enterprise”.

What is the Star Trek game?

Star Trek The Video Game is an action adventure co-op game casting players as Kirk and Spock where gamers must face-off against the villainous Gorn where their battles will take them to familiar locations, like the bridge, transporter room, and the engine room.


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