Why does Carrie leave Hurstwood?

Why does Carrie leave Hurstwood?

Hurstwood and Carrie move to New York City. Hurstwood takes advantage of a business opportunity and starts managing a saloon. Hurstwood’s business goes downhill so he and Carrie move to a smaller apartment. Business takes a turn for the worse and Hurstwood finds himself out of work.

For what reason does Mrs Hurstwood insist that her husband purchase season tickets for the races?

Right before he leaves for the play, Mrs. Hurstwood tells him that she wants him to get them all season tickets to the horse races. She’s never asked for season tickets before, but her rich friends are getting them and she wants to “exhibit” Jessica in the hopes of attracting a rich husband for her.

What are Hurstwood and Carrie doing when he first confesses his love for her?

Hurstwood intends to make Carrie “confess an affection for him.” His work schedule is flexible, so he takes an afternoon off to see her. They ride a horse-drawn carriage to the prairie outside of Chicago, where he declares that his times with her have been the happiest he has spent in years.

How does Hurstwood feel about Carrie’s upcoming performance?

Drouet tells him that Carrie is going to take a part in the play. Hurstwood replies that he would like see it, and he offers to get flowers for Carrie after her performance. Drouet thinks Hurstwood is a good-natured man to care so much for Carrie’s happiness. Carrie feels at home in theater and loves the entire affair.

Who is Carrie jealous of?

Carrie Meeber When she loses her job, her sister and brother-in-law cannot support her, so she becomes Charlie Drouet’s mistress. Afterward, she becomes infatuated with another man, George Hurstwood.

Where Do Carrie and Hurstwood usually have their secret meeting?

The lovers meet in the park to discuss the future. Carrie says that she is willing to leave Drouet anytime if Hurstwood consents to marry her. Her refusal merely to become his mistress causes Hurstwood to be even more in love with her.

How does Hurstwood trick Carrie into getting on the train with him?

Hurstwood rushes to Carrie’s apartment and tricks her into going with him by telling her that Drouet is in the hospital and wants to see her. Hurstwood tricks Carrie into thinking that Drouet has been injured. Carrie then becomes a victim of Hurstwood’s actions.

How much money of his own does Hurstwood have left after Carrie finds her first job in Newyork?

One night when he stays late in his office to finish some paperwork, Hurstwood discovers that the safe has been left unlocked with over ten thousand dollars in it. While he is debating with himself whether to take the money, the door of the safe slams shut as he holds the entire amount in his hands.

What does Carrie feel towards Hurstwood after she finds work as a chorus girl?

Carrie decides to look for work as an actress. She finally gets a position as a chorus girl at twelve dollars a week. She uses “Carrie Madenda” as her stage name. Having found work so quickly, she resents Hurstwood’s months of joblessness even more than she had before.

What is Carrie’s first job in Chicago?

Carrie Meeber The cosmopolitan consumer world of Chicago enthralls her, and she constantly wants to buy things. Her first job is a low-paid, arduous position in a factory. When she loses her job, her sister and brother-in-law cannot support her, so she becomes Charlie Drouet’s mistress.

What does Carrie think of Ames?

Ames is a New Yorker and a cousin of the Vances; Carrie becomes infatuated with him. She thinks of him as a scholar of sorts, and he represents for her the artistic taste she wishes to acquire.

Why does Carrie go to Montreal with Hurstwood?

Hurstwood pleads with her to run away with him to Montreal. He says that he is divorcing his wife and promises to marry Carrie right away. She agrees to go with him. Hurstwood rents a hotel room in Montreal under an assumed name.


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