Why is Gemini so attracted to Aries?

Why is Gemini so attracted to Aries?

“Gemini is attracted to Aries’ dominance, and Aries feels stimulated by Gemini’s intellectual curiosity.” According to Carlucci, that stimulation carries over into the bedroom. The passionate Mars-ruled Aries enjoys dominating their partner, while the curious Mercury-ruled Gemini is always down to try anything twice.

What sign is Gemini sexually compatible with?

As an air sign, Geminis have a strong mental connection with the other air signs, such as Aquarius and Libra. Aquarius is a good long-term match, both sexually and romantically. These passionate, adventurous signs can be “electric” together, Stellas says.

Can Gemini marry Aries?

Aries and Geminicreate an unpredictable yet happy and unique bond between them. This is a bond that never witnesses boredom for both are up to something or the other new. They keep the flame of enthusiasm and energy alive throughout. It is a joyful ride for both and thus, it is a long-lasting relationship.

Are Gemini bad in bed?

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) It can be confusing and make you feel out of control — and not in a good way. It doesn’t matter what kind of sex you’re in the mood for, it’s all about him and what he wants at the time.

Should Aries and Gemini get married?

Based on their most common personality traits, an Aries’ best match is a Gemini. But weirdly enough it’s their personalities that make them great for marriage. Aries and Gemini do not repel each other; their similarities make each other a perfect match.

Are Gemini and Aries a good match?

Aries and Gemini is a great match because you have so much in common. You both get bored easily, seek excitement, need personal space and freedom, love debates and like to do everything at 100 miles per hour.

Does Gemini get along with Aries?

A positive way to see it is that Aries would not get bored with Gemini, and Gemini would like the Arian energy when it got played out and exhausted. Romance Recommendation: Aries and Gemin would have a very high romance factor, as long as Gemini would not become distracted and diffident and let Aries out the door.

What sign is best compatible with Gemini?

The most compatible signs with Gemini are generally considered to be Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. The least compatible signs with Gemini are generally considered to be Virgo and Pisces . Comparing sun signs can give a good general idea of compatibility.

What is Aries perfect love match?

An Aries-Aries love match is a meeting of two strong spirits; generally, the relationship is positive and enthusiastic. They love to try new things — often extreme sports or some other intense activity.



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