Why is titration used when standardizing a solution?

Why is titration used when standardizing a solution?

Titration is a cost effective and an easy analytic method to deduce the exact concentration of a solution. Titration is easiest of all the analytic methods available to find out the exact concentration of a solution. During a titration, the concentration of one of the chemicals is known accurately.

What happens in a titration experiment?

A titration is an experiment where a volume of a solution of known concentration is added to a volume of another solution in order to determine its concentration. Solutions in which a few drops of phenolphthalein have been added turn from colorless to brilliant pink as the solution turns from acidic to basic.

What is titrate in titration?

To determine the concentration of (a solution) by titration or perform the operation of titration. To titrate is to measure how much of a substance you have by measuring how much of the solution is required to achieve a given reaction.

What is the purpose of titration?

The concentration of a basic solution can be determined by titrating it with a volume of a standard acid solution (of known concentration) required to neutralize it. The purpose of the titration is the detection of the equivalence point, the point at which chemically equivalent amounts of the reactants have been mixed.

What is the difference between standardization and titration?

The key difference between standardization and titration is that standardization process uses primary standards, whereas the titration process does not essentially use primary standards. Standardization and titration are important terms we use in analytical chemistry.

What is the endpoint of a titration?

End Point. end point: the point during a titration when an indicator shows that the amount of reactant necessary for a complete reaction has been added to a solution.

How do you titrate a solution?

In an acid-base titration, a known volume of either the acid or the base (of unknown concentration) is placed in a conical flask. The second reagent (of known concentration) is placed in a burette. The reagent from the burette is slowly added to the reagent in the conical flask.

What is the meaning of standard solution?

In analytical chemistry, a standard solution is a solution containing a precisely known concentration of an element or a substance. A known mass of solute is dissolved to make a specific volume.

How is titration done?

The process is usually carried out by gradually adding a standard solution (i.e., a solution of known concentration) of titrating reagent, or titrant, from a burette, essentially a long, graduated measuring tube with a stopcock and a delivery tube at its lower end. …

What is standardization and standard solution?

Standardization is the technique used to find the exact concentration of a solution. The most commonly used technique for the standardization of a solution is titration. For a standardization process, a standard solution is required as a reference.


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