Will I get full refund for Tatkal waitlisted ticket?

Will I get full refund for Tatkal waitlisted ticket?

No refund is granted on the confirmed ticket booked under Tatkal booking. For RAC (Reservation Against Cancellation) or waitlisted tickets booked under Tatkal quota, refund is made if the ticket is cancelled up to 30 minutes before the scheduled departure, according to the IRCTC website.

Will I get refund for waitlisted ticket?

In case of wait-listed e-tickets on which all the passengers are on waiting list even after preparation of reservation chart, names of all such passengers booked on that Passenger Name Record (PNR) will be dropped from the reservation chart and refund of full fare will be credited back to the account from which booking …

How much time Irctc refund takes?

When will I get refund of my train ticket? take 3 to 7 working days from the scheduled departure of the train. How can I track cancellation status of my cancelled ticket? If train is cancelled, e-ticket will be automatically cancelled and user will receive SMS informing him/her about the cancellation of e-ticket.

What if my waiting ticket is not confirmed?

If you have Waitlisted Counter Ticket & Ticket has not confirmed, the passenger should travel only in unreserved coach or he has to cancel the ticket.

How can I complain to IRCTC for refund?

IRCTC Complaint

  1. Customer Care No : 011-39340000, 011-23340000 (language : Hindi and English)
  2. Fax no. : 011-23345400.
  3. Chennai Customer Care No. : 044-25300000 (language : Tamil and English).

Does Tatkal waiting list get confirmed?

If tatkal ticket goes up, it directly gets confirmed and doesn’t go through RAC status unlike GNWL. During chart preparation, general waiting list (GNWL) is preferred over tatkal waiting list (TQWL) therefore tatkal waitlisted tickets are less likely to get confirmed.

Is Tatkal’s waitlist ticket refundable?

Is Tatkal’s waitlist ticket refundable? If the Tatkal tickets are not confirmed on the waiting list or RAC is not found, they are automatically canceled and the passenger gets a refund. Refund: The confirmed ticket does not receive a refund upon cancellation.

What is the Tatkal refund policy of Indian Railways?

No refund will be given to you under Indian Railways Tatkal Refund Policy when your train ticket is for cancellation of confirmed Tatkal ticket. But when your ticket is for cancellation of waiting list tatkal ticket, then you will be given a refund after deducting the fee as per existing Railway rules.

What is the Tatkal cancellation policy 2020?

If you happen to book Tatkal tickets through the IRCTC website and want to cancel, then you must be well aware of the Tatkal cancellation policy 2020. As per the policy, no refund will be issued to the passengers with confirmed tatkal tickets.

When does the Tatkal ticketing window open?

The tatkal ticketing window opens 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train. However, passengers do come across various booking status like waitlist, RAC, or not getting desired berths while opting to book tatkal tickets. In certain emergency situations, Passengers who have booked tatkal tickets may have to cancel their travel tickets.


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