How does Australia control population?

How does Australia control population? Australia’s population policy Population policy depends on managing a number of factors, including the numbers of births and deaths (natural increase) and also the net overseas migration. The current structure of Australia’s international migration programme was mostly put in place by the Howard Government. Does Australia have any population policy? […]

What is 4z hair type?

What is 4z hair type? “4D hair is the type of hair that poets have referenced whenever they spoke about ‘coarse, African’ hair. Many natural-hair women with 4D hair are mistaken for people with short hair, because of the extreme shrinkage their hair experiences. However, many times, their hair might be shoulder length or longer.” […]

What is an ocular Loupe?

What is an ocular Loupe? Loupes are a simple optical devices used for viewing details of objects with some magnification. In contrast to a magnifying glass, a loupe is used in a close distance from the eye, is typically smaller and has a shorter focal length. Specialized loupes, often of binocular type, are used in […]

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