Why is Tesla so expensive?

Why is Tesla so expensive? Tesla cars are expensive, but that hasn’t stopped people from lining up to buy them. One reason the price is so high is that, at the moment, demand is outstripping supply. Expanding production capacity and building new factories is sure to help moderate prices. Where do Tesla cars get made? […]

How is diversity and inclusion linked?

How is diversity and inclusion linked? Diversity and inclusion are two interconnected concepts—but they are far from interchangeable. Diversity is about representation or the make-up of an entity. Inclusion is about how well the contributions, presence and perspectives of different groups of people are valued and integrated into an environment. How does diversity influence inclusion? […]

Who is Bob Meucci?

Who is Bob Meucci? Bob started building cues in the early 1960’s. In 1968 he took over the cue department at National Tournament Chalk. He founded B.M.C. in Glenview, Illinois in 1969. He is credited with setting the standard for the major cue manufacturers of using metal working equipment instead of wood lathes to manufacture […]

Who fought in battle of Guadalcanal?

Who fought in battle of Guadalcanal? Battle of Guadalcanal, (August 1942–February 1943), series of World War II land and sea clashes between Allied and Japanese forces on and around Guadalcanal, one of the southern Solomon Islands, in the South Pacific. What aircraft were used in the battle of Guadalcanal? One of the best fighters of […]

When should I plant winter rye in Wisconsin?

When should I plant winter rye in Wisconsin? Winter rye can be planted August-September for a late summer and over-winter cover. Stem elongation will not occur without vernalization (cold temperatures). Planted in August, rye will produce a thick cover, but usually less than one ton of dry matter of biomass before winter dormancy. When should […]

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