How do you get to Maluku Islands?

How do you get to Maluku Islands? The main gateway into Maluku is through the provincial capital Ambon, which is served by regular flights to most parts of the archipelago. Air and sea transportation connect the islands with 79 seaports and 25 airports. Roads on many of the islands provide access to the more remote […]

What is an anodontia?

What is an anodontia? Anodontia is a genetic disorder defined as the absence of all teeth. It usually occurs as part of a syndrome that includes other abnormalities. Also rare but more common than anodontia are hypodontia and oligodontia. Hypodontia is genetic in origin and usually involves the absence of from 1 to 5 teeth. […]

What is a Travelling wave tube amplifier?

What is a Travelling wave tube amplifier? A traveling-wave tube (TWT, pronounced “twit”) or traveling-wave tube amplifier (TWTA, pronounced “tweeta”) is a specialized vacuum tube that is used in electronics to amplify radio frequency (RF) signals in the microwave range. These function as narrowband power amplifiers. What are the different waves possible in TWT? Therefore, […]

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