What does it mean to fold it in?

What does it mean to fold it in? (fold something in/into something) to combine things that were previously separate so they can be dealt with together. What does folding in cheese mean? “[It] basically just means stirring gently from the bottom upward folding the liquid up over the cheese so as to help it melt […]

What rhymes with full of life?

What rhymes with full of life? syllable: fife, flyff, fyfe, fyffe, greiff, knife, pfeife, pfeiff, phyfe, rife, saif, schleif, schleife, slife, streife, streiff, strife, wife. syllables: syllables: syllables: Does life rhyme with sight? A perfect rhyme on one syllable would have a contrasting consonant sound at the beginning, an identical vowel sound in the middle, […]

Do pill bugs have compound eyes?

Do pill bugs have compound eyes? The Armadillidium vulgare have compound eyes made up of 15 to 20 eyes (most compound eyes of insects are made up of thousands of small eyes) so they have poor eyesight and require antennae in order to sense their surroundings. The large antennae are also used by the males […]

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