Are iTunes updates necessary?

Are iTunes updates necessary? Each can be updated separately; there’s no grand foofarah, unlike an iTunes desktop update. And it’s not that necessary now; since 2011, iCloud has meant you can back up and restore from the cloud, though minimal storage on older iPhones makes iTunes necessary to install big operating system updates. What happened […]

What is the food of tundra?

What is the food of tundra? In the summer months, herbivores eat shrubs, flowers, leaves and berries. Animals that live in the tundra year-round eat more during the summer to store up fat for the leaner winter months. Many herbivores have the ability to digest the lichen that grows on trees in the tundra. What […]

Can a sea lamprey bite you?

Can a sea lamprey bite you? While they prefer fish, and won’t come after we humans with nearly the same ferocity as they do aquatic creatures, there are accounts of lamprey attacks on humans. They prefer cold-blooded animals, and we humans simply aren’t on the menu. But on rare occasions, it apparently happens. Does anything […]

When were Coes wrenches made?

When were Coes wrenches made? 1 Apr 1888 The Coes Wrench Company was founded on 1 Apr 1888. Coes Wrench Company manufactured the screw-type wrench invented by Loring Coes; this wrench is commonly known as a monkey wrench. It was while they were living and working in Springfield that Loring Coes invented the screw wrench […]

Is it safe to use uranium glass?

Is it safe to use uranium glass? Uranium glass also fluoresces bright green under ultraviolet light and can register above background radiation on a sufficiently sensitive Geiger counter, although most pieces of uranium glass are considered to be harmless and only negligibly radioactive. Why does uranium glow under UV light? The uranium fluoresces under UV […]

Why was OKCupid banned?

Why was OKCupid banned? We consider unsolicited sexual content and messages to be sexual harassment. If we find you to be in violation of our Community Guidelines and/or our Terms of Service we will ban your account. Can I trust OKCupid? OKCupid doesn’t do a great job of keeping scammers out. “OkCupid has scammers and […]

How do I bill up an inpatient consult?

How do I bill up an inpatient consult? Inpatient consultations should be reported using the Initial Hospital Care code (99221-99223) for the initial evaluation, and a Subsequent Hospital Care code (99231-99233) for subsequent visits. When 50% of the time spent during the office visit is for counseling select the code based on time and assign […]

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