Does Aegeus exist?

Does Aegeus exist? Aigeús, also spelled Aegeas) was an archaic figure in the founding myth of Athens. The “goat-man” who gave his name to the Aegean Sea was, next to Poseidon, the father of Theseus, the founder of Athenian institutions and one of the kings of Athens. What is Aegeus the god of? Aegeus was […]

Is Williams a consequentialist?

Is Williams a consequentialist? Critique of utilitarianism Williams set out the case against utilitarianism – a consequentialist position the simplest version of which is that actions are right only insofar as they promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number – in Utilitarianism: For and Against (1973) with J. J. C. Smart. Why does Williams […]

What is the equivalent of Ofsted in Scotland?

What is the equivalent of Ofsted in Scotland? Care Inspectorate The Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland have recently reviewed their collaborative working approaches for carrying out inspections in the early years and school care accommodation sectors. The previous methodology was developed by our predecessor bodies, the Care Commission and HMIE. Do Scottish schools have Ofsted […]

Do migraines give you chills?

Do migraines give you chills? A migraine feels like a throbbing or pounding pain that tends to be worse on one side of the head. You may also have symptoms like nausea, vomiting, numbness, chills, and sensitivity to light or sound. Can a migraine make you feel feverish? A migraine headache causes symptoms such as […]

Can you put an outlet in a countertop?

Can you put an outlet in a countertop? All receptacles are permitted to be recessed into countertops. C: A receptacle assembly listed for countertop applications shall be permitted to be installed in a countertop. All receptacles installed in countertop or work surface applications must be GFCI protected. How can I hide my kitchen sockets? Covering […]

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