What are ways to save energy?

What are ways to save energy? Top 9 Ways to Lower Your Energy Bill Utilize Natural Light. Turn Off Lights and Electronics When You Aren’t Using Them. Replace Traditional Light Bulbs with LEDs. Get a Smart Thermostat. Ensure Your Home is Properly Insulated. Put Decorative Lights on a Timer. Identify and Unplug Energy Vampires. Reduce […]

How do I change the default port for Apache?

How do I change the default port for Apache? To change the port number, follow the steps below: Edit the /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf file and modify the value specified in the Port directive. For example: Listen 8443 Restart the Apache server for changes to take effect. sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache. Can I change port 80? If you […]

Kako izgleda ruska tipkovnica?

Kako izgleda ruska tipkovnica? Kako izgleda ruska tipkovnica? Ruska abeceda ima 33 črk, torej več kot slovenščina (25) ali angleščina (26). Zato so ruske črke pomaknjene bolj proti desni in zasedajo tudi nekatera mesta, ki jih sicer uporabljate za ločila in simbole. Naučite se tipke za tipkovnico? Naučite se nekaj preprostih ukazov za tipkovnico (navodila […]

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