What is Rhodesia called today?

What is Rhodesia called today? The territory to the north of the Zambezi was officially designated Northern Rhodesia by the company, and has been Zambia since 1964; that to the south, which the company dubbed Southern Rhodesia, became Zimbabwe in 1980. Why was Rhodesia Zimbabwe? As early as 1960, African nationalist political organisations in Rhodesia […]

How does nephrotic syndrome cause thrombosis?

How does nephrotic syndrome cause thrombosis? The increased propensity of thromboembolism in nephrotic patients is postulated to be a result of increased excretion of antithrombotic factors by the affected kidneys and increased production of pro-thrombotic factors by the liver. Why are patients with nephrotic syndrome hypercoagulable? Nephrotic syndrome is a hypercoagulable state. The increased risk […]

Does BlackBerry 10 support WhatsApp?

Does BlackBerry 10 support WhatsApp? If you’re still clinging on to your BB10-powered BlackBerry for dear life, then you might be displeased with the fact that WhatsApp is no longer supported officially on the BlackBerry platform (since 30th June 2017). Does WhatsApp still work on BlackBerry? WhatsApp has ended BlackBerry support, but you can keep […]

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