Is the Firefly 2 GOOD?

Is the Firefly 2 GOOD? The Firefly 2 is one of the few devices to actually perform well with concentrates. The temperature goes high enough and melting a glob into the mesh pad allows you to get a dozen nicely sized, very flavorful hits off. Definitely one of the best dry herb and concentrate 2-in-1 […]

How do I get my Statspack report?

How do I get my Statspack report? How to generate your Oracle 12c STATSPACK report Log in to SQL*Plus from the operating system as the new PERFSTAT user with the password you chose during installation and type sqlplus perfstat. Type @?/rdbms/admin/spreport. Enter number 11 from the preceding list. Enter a name for the report. How […]

Is 20mg of prednisone too much?

Is 20mg of prednisone too much? You are more likely to have a serious side effect if you take a higher dose (more than 20mg daily) of prednisolone or if you have been taking it for more than a few weeks. Does prednisone cause truncal obesity? Corticosteroid users often experience endocrine and metabolic changes, in […]

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