Is a diaphragm better than a condom?

Is a diaphragm better than a condom? Do diaphragms protect against STDs? Diaphragms don’t protect against sexually transmitted infections — but luckily, condoms do. If you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex, using condoms every time (plus getting tested regularly for STDs) is the best way to stay healthy. Can diaphragm be used with condom? […]

What does UEP certified mean?

What does UEP certified mean? The United Egg Producers says its UEP certified label is on 85% of eggs produced in the U.S. The label means the eggs originate from farms that follow responsible, science-based practices for hen health and well-being – for both regular and cage-free farms. Are UEP Certified eggs pasteurized? Pasteurized. Regulated […]

Why did Sontag write Illness as Metaphor?

Why did Sontag write Illness as Metaphor? In the last chapter, Sontag argued that society’s disease metaphors cause patients to feel as if society were against them. Her final argument was that metaphors are not useful for patients, since metaphors make patients feel as if their illness was due to their feelings, rather than lack […]

How did pesticides start in India?

How did pesticides start in India? The production of pesticides started in India in 1952 with the establishment of a plant for the production of BHC near Calcutta, and India is now the second largest manufacturer of pesticides in Asia after China and ranks twelfth globally (Mathur, 1999). Consumption pattern of pesticides. When was the […]

What is mangrove reforestation?

What is mangrove reforestation? As a coastal environment, mangrove forests are vital breeding grounds for marine life, nesting sites for birds and habitats for insects. Over 10 years ago, however, the Philippine government placed the mangroves under protection, prompting the reforestation of the decimated mangrove belts. What proportion of mangrove species are endangered? Eleven of […]

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