Does HypnoBirthing actually work?

Does HypnoBirthing actually work? In a 2015 clinical trial involving 680 women, researchers found that those who self-hypnotized felt less afraid and anxious during labor than they’d expected to. Most also later reported having had positive experiences, saying that hypnosis helped them feel calm, confident and empowered before and during their births. What are the […]

What qualifies as harassment in NYC?

What qualifies as harassment in NYC? In simple terms, harassment is any action taken by one person with the express purpose of annoying or alarming another person. As provided in New York Penal Law ยง240.26, harassment in the second degree may involve: Any physical conduct intended to annoy another person. Any following of a person […]

Does hops help you lose weight?

Does hops help you lose weight? Compound from hops lowers cholesterol, blood sugar and weight gain. A recent study has identified specific intake levels of xanthohumol, a natural flavonoid found in hops, that significantly improved some of the underlying markers of metabolic syndrome in laboratory animals and also reduced weight gain. Does hops help with […]

How long has universal insurance been in business?

How long has universal insurance been in business? Universal Property & Casualty Insurance Company began in Florida in 1997 and currently provides coverage across 19 states. Our offerings include insurance for homeowners, renters, condos and landlords through our network of independent agents and our direct-to-consumer online platform. What insurance company has an elephant logo? Universal […]

What is Epimedium leaf good for?

What is Epimedium leaf good for? Epimedium is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fatigue, arthritic pain, nerve pain, and sexual dysfunction. It is thought to alter levels of certain hormones and is marketed as a dietary supplement for libido. What is Epimedium Sagittatum extract? Epimedium sagittatum (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim is […]

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