Who was hanged on a tree in the Bible?

Who was hanged on a tree in the Bible? On three occasions, Acts refers to Jesus’ crucifixion as ‘hanging on a tree’ (5.30; 10.39; 13.29), a phrase alluding to the proscriptions for displaying an Israelite convicted of a capital crime (Deut. 21.22-23). Most scholars attach little significance to this appropriation, assessing it as a dead […]

What is meant by Syngenesious condition?

What is meant by Syngenesious condition? Syngenesious condition is an arrangement of stamens where their anthers are fused while their filaments are free. The fused anthers form a circle around the gynoecium. It is seen in the Compositae or Asteraceae family. What are Syngenesious stamens? Syngenesious stamens are those stamens whose anthers are united into […]

Why is Linamarin poisonous?

Why is Linamarin poisonous? Linamarin produces the toxic compound hydrogen cyanide (HCN) which can be hazardous to the consumer. Toxicity caused by free cyanide (CN¯) has already been reported, while toxicity caused by glucoside has not. What foods contain cyanogenic glycosides? Important staple foods for some parts of the world (such as cassava and sorghum) […]

How much does a football mouthguard cost?

How much does a football mouthguard cost? How Much Do Sports Mouth Guards Cost? Custom sports mouth Guards are generally around $60.00 depending on your insurance and other dental needs. While sports mouth guards at the store are relatively cheap (around $20-$30) they’re not custom fit. Do OTC mouth guards work? Wearing an over-the-counter mouth […]

What is perforated duodenal ulcer?

What is perforated duodenal ulcer? Perforation of a duodenal ulcer allows egress of gastric and duodenal contents into the peritoneal cavity with a resulting initial chemical peritonitis. If there is continuing leakage of gastroduodenal contents, bacterial contamination of the peritoneal cavity can occur. What is a perforated duodenum? Abstract. Duodenal perforation is a rare, life […]

Can mums be grown from seeds?

Can mums be grown from seeds? Mum seeds are remarkably small. Chrysanthemum seeds need up to 16 weeks to flower when grown from seed. Most growers agree that starting seeds indoors—before all chances of frost have passed—is the best choice. Fill small germination pots with sterile seed starting mix. How long does it take mums […]

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