What is the Series 63 pass rate?

What is the Series 63 pass rate?

99% of candidates who pass our Series 63 benchmark exam on the first try pass the actual exam. 98% Candidates who average between 65% – 70% on their first 350 Series 63 practice questions that pass the exam. Get even more instruction with the All Access Pass.

How difficult is the SIE exam?

With an average pass rate of 74%, the SIE exam difficulty is very challenging. For a passing pass rate score, candidates must answer 53 out of the 75 questions correctly. Individuals who are 18 or older are eligible to take the SIE FINRA exam.

What happens if you fail the Series 79 twice?

Candidates who do not pass the exam must wait 30 days before taking it again. However, if you fail it three times in succession, you must wait 180 days. Your firm will also have to sponsor you again for each retake, and you will have to pay the full fee each time.

Is Series 65 or 66 easier?

Is It Harder to Pass the Series 65 or Series 66 Exams? While the pass/fail rate for these exams is not publicly available, many consider the Series 66 exam more difficult than the Series 65 because it is longer. The Series 65 contains 130 questions and the Series 66 has only 100.

How long should you study for the Series 65?

It is recommended that the individual spend at least 50 to 60 hours preparing for the exam by reading the textbook, underlining key points, and answering as many practice questions as possible. We recommend that a student schedule their exam no more than one week after finishing their Series 65 preparation.

Is the 63 exam hard?

How hard is the Series 63 exam? Expect the Series 63 to be challenging, mainly because of the short amount of time you have to complete the questions. You only have 75 minutes, so if you spend more than a minute and 15 seconds on each question, you can fall behind quickly.

How much does Sie exam cost?

What is the cost of the SIE exam? The cost of the SIE exam is $60.

Is it worth taking the SIE exam?

I would recommend taking the exam if you are up to it. It is a big commitment, but if you pass you will benefit greatly from it. I am a bit older than some of you but I was taking the exams back when there was no 2 day SE exam. I took the SE 1 and SE 2 exam.



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