What does timescale 1ns 1ps mean?

What does timescale 1ns 1ps mean?

`timescale 1ns/1ps means that all the delays that follow (like# 5.1234) are interpreted to be in nanoseconds and any fractions will be rounded to the nearest picosecond (5123ps). However, all delays are represented as integers. The simulator knows nothing about seconds or nanoseconds, only unit-less integers.

How is timescale calculated in Verilog?

The `timescale compiler directive specifies the time unit and precision for the modules that follow it. The time_unit is the measurement of delays and simulation time, while the time_precision specifies how delay values are rounded before being used in the simulation….Verilog Timescale.

Character Unit
fs Femtoseconds

What is the timescale in Verilog?

Timescale specifies the time unit and time precision of a module that follow it. The simulation time and delay values are measured using time unit. The precision factor is needed to measure the degree of accuracy of the time unit, in other words how delay values are rounded before being used in simulation.

What is the limitation of timescale directive?

P.S : The `timescale directive only affects the current compilation unit; it does not span multiple compilation units . Hence I have compiled the files by converting into single compilation unit as follows in-order to pick up the timescale of “timescale_top.sv” .

Why is timescale used in Verilog?

Verilog simulation depends on how time is defined because the simulator needs to know what a #1 means in terms of time. The `timescale compiler directive specifies the time unit and precision for the modules that follow it.

What is Defparam in Verilog?

For Verilog HDL modules, a Defparam Statement assigns a value to a parameter that is defined in the parameter declaration in the Module Declaration of the module. A Defparam Statement can pass parameters to a design file that is multiple levels below the current design file. For example, if the file top.

What is time precision timescale?

The time precision tells the smallest delay you can configure in a given time unit. Precision represent how many decimal points of precision to use relative to the time units. For example: timescale 100ps/10ps shall have a #1 delay of 100ps while you can give #0.1 as the smallest delay i.e. of 10ps.

How do you override timescale in Verilog?

SystemVerilog provides timeprecision keyword to set the precision of time within a module. Use timeprecision 100fs; in your module to override the default timeprecision. So, here you might want to use timescale as 1ns/100ps. Also, the clock toggling should be done using ~ (tilde) operator.

What is $clog2 in System Verilog?

The $clog2 function returns the ceiling of the logarithm to the base e (natural logarithm) rather than the ceiling of the logarithm to the base 2. When 13.2 XST synthesizes the above piece of Verilog, it generates a value 6 for A instead of an expected value of 9, which is actually the ceiling of log2(325).

What is the difference between Localparam and parameter in Verilog?

2): Verilog HDL local parameters are identical to parameters except that they cannot directly be modified by defparam statements or module instance parameter value assignments.

What is Timeunit and Timeprecision?

What is $random in Verilog?

$random function call returns a 32-bit random number each time it is called. The random number is a signed integer; it can be positive or negative. R = $random % 2; Above example will generate random value between -1 to 1.

What is timescale in Verilog?

Verilog Timescale. Verilog simulation depends on how time is defined because the simulator needs to know what a #1 means in terms of time. The `timescale compiler directive specifies the time unit and precision for the modules that follow it.

How is time defined in Verilog simulation?

Verilog simulation depends on how time is defined because the simulator needs to know what a #1 means in terms of time. The `timescale compiler directive specifies the time unit and precision for the modules that follow it.

What is timescale in C++?

First of all `timescale is compiler directive. This compiler directive specifies the time unit and time precision of the design for particular module. Time unit is the unit of measurement for time values for simulation time as well as delay value.

How are timescale directives applied to modules?

By default, a timescale directive placed in a file is applied to all modules that follow the directive until the definition of another timescale directive. In the above example, tb and alu end up with a timescale of 1ns/1ns while des get a timescale of 1ns/10ps because of the directive placement before the module definition of des.


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