What Colour were ration books in ww2?

What Colour were ration books in ww2?

There were three different colours of ration books: light brown, green and blue. Most adults had pale brown books with the exception of pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers and also children under five years old who used green books.

Why were rationing books different Colours?

There were different coloured ration books. The buff coloured books were issued to adults and school-age children. Green books were issued to expectant mothers, as they had extra needs. The tokens had no monetary value, but they were a means of ensuring that everybody got their fair share of what was available.

What 4 foods were rationed in ww2?

Rationing began on 8th January 1940 when bacon, butter and sugar were rationed. By 1942 many other foodstuffs, including meat, milk, cheese, eggs and cooking fat were also ‘on the ration’.

Was beer rationed in ww2?

Beer was not rationed but the amount of grain that was available to brewers was restricted. It was not unusual for landlords to restrict the number of drinks that an individual could buy and pubs were often shut for two or three days a week while waiting for beer to be delivered.

Was chocolate rationed in ww2?

Rationing came into force on 8 January 1940, a few months after the start of World War II. All sorts of essential and non-essential foods were rationed, as well as clothing, furniture and petrol. Rationing of sweets and chocolate began on 26 July 1942.

Did children have their own ration books?

Everyone was supplied with their own ration book, even children. People then had to register with a local shopkeeper, and could only buy rationed goods if they had enough coupons.

Was clothes rationed in WW2?

Clothes Rationing. It wasn’t just food that was rationed during World War II. Clothing also became scarce. Clothes rationing began on June 1, 1941, two years after food rationing started.

Were shoes rationed in WW2?

Rationing was a fact of life during World War II. Shoes were rationed because leather and rubber were in short supply. (Rubber especially, as Japan controlled Southeast Asia, where the bulk of the world’s rubber was produced.)

Was beer rationed in WW2?

What is the value of war ration books?

They were intended to prevent the hoarding of such goods as coffee, sugar, meat and other items in short supply due to the war. Ration books generally sell in the $5 to $25 range, but unlike savings bonds, you can’t cash them in as you wish.

What are some good books about World War 2?

When My Name was Keoko by Linda Sue Park.

  • Flygirl by Sherri L.
  • My Real Name is Hanna by Tara Lynn Masih.
  • Weedflower by Cynthia Kadohata.
  • Once by Morris Gleitzman.
  • Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac.
  • The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti.
  • Girl in the Blue Coat by Monica Hesse.
  • White Rose by Kip Wilson.
  • The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe.
  • What is a war ration book?

    War ration books and tokens were issued to each American family, dictating how much gasoline, tires, sugar, meat, silk, shoes, nylon and other items any one person could buy. View a listing of all rationed items. Across the country 8000 rationing boards were created to administer these restrictions.

    What is a ration book?

    A ration book is a book of coupons which is used to control consumption of certain products which may be in high demand.


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