Why is my scrolling laggy?

Why is my scrolling laggy?

You may have a problem with a system setting or a graphics driver if you experience choppy scrolling on Web pages. The choppy page display could mean that your computer’s touch device or mouse is set at too high of a scrolling interval or that the computer’s graphics card isn’t able to process graphics fast enough.

Why is my Internet Explorer so slow?

How to improve your internet browser speed and performance when using Internet Explorer. If your browser is slow, don’t necessarily blame it on your connection. Disable toolbars and extensions directly from your browser. Clear browsing cache and cookies.

Why is IE so slow in Windows 10?

If your computer is having problems browsing the web with Windows Internet Explorer , try running the Internet Explorer Performance troubleshooter to fix the problem. It checks for common issues, such as whether you have enough space on your computer’s hard disk to store temporary Internet files.

How do I fix lagging scrolling on Windows 10?

How can I solve mouse lags in Windows 10 and Windows 11?

  1. Update the mouse driver.
  2. Enable / Disable Scroll Inactive Windows.
  3. Change the Palm Check threshold.
  4. Set the touchpad sensitivity.
  5. Change your mouse frequency.
  6. Disable Fast Startup.
  7. Change your Clickpad settings.
  8. Roll back your drivers.

How do I reduce scrolling speed?

To change the mouse scroll speed in Windows 10, do the following.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to Devices -> Mouse.
  3. On the right, select Multiple lines at a time under Roll the mouse wheel to scroll.
  4. Adjust the slider position to specify the number of lines between 1 to 100 lines at a time.

How can I make Internet Explorer faster in Windows 10?

How do I speed up Internet Explorer?

  1. Opt for a faster browser.
  2. Scan your system for errors. Another solution would be to run SFC/scannow command in the Command Prompt to check your system for errors.
  3. Clear IE Cache regularly.
  4. Disable Add-ons.
  5. Reset IE to default level.

How do I speed up ie11 in Windows 10?

How to Speed Up Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 10

  1. Way 1: Close Unnecessary Tabs and Windows.
  2. Way 2: Clear the Temporary Files and Cookies.
  3. Way 3: Disable Unwanted Add-Ons.
  4. Way 4: Reset All Zones to Default.
  5. Way 5: Reset Internet Explorer Settings.

Why is DataTables scrolling so slow?

More generally, with scrolling because DataTables uses the table element, it needs to split the table into multiple parts, a table for the header, one for the body and one for the footer (if it exists). The widths are applied to the body which is slow, they then need to be read back in order to be able to apply them to the header.

How can I improve the performance of a scrollable interface?

If you do require scrolling in the interface, use the scroller.displayBuffer option and set it to 1.5. This controls the number of rows that Scroller will actually pre-draw, allowing the deferRender option to improve performance since less rows need to be drawn at a time. This results in about 1S init time for me.

What’s the deal with scroller?

Scroller attempts to marry the two together, and it usually works, but it appears that IE has some performance issues with really wide tables. The more data, the more of an issue. This isn’t a problem for other grids that don’t use the table element since div positions are more easily calculated.


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