Who was Mordecai Lincoln?

Who was Mordecai Lincoln?

Mordecai Lincoln was born on April 24, 1686 in Hingham, Massachusetts, and married Hannah Salter. He was an iron master. (The Scituate Historical Society home in Massachusetts is the Cudworth House, built on land granted to Richard Garrett before 1646.

Where is Mordecai Lincoln buried?

Mordecai Lincoln died on December 1736 in Amity, Pennsylvania and is buried in the Exeter Friends burial grounds shown below. The Exeter Friends Meeting house is still in use today near Oley, Pennsylvania in Berks County. (Berks County was part of Chester County until 1752).

What is the difference between 1st and 2nd Mordecai?

So some people refer to the 1st and 2nd Mordecais as Sr. and Jr., while others refer to the 2nd and 3rd Mordecais as Sr. and Jr. Mordecai Lincoln was born on April 24, 1686 in Hingham, Massachusetts, and married Hannah Salter. He was an iron master.


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