How phenol and acetone are produced from cumene?

How phenol and acetone are produced from cumene?

It is well known that phenol can be produced from cumene. In the first phase, the cumene is oxidized to cumene hydroperoxide (CHP), with conversions which range from 20- 30 percent by weight, and in the second phase the CHP is acid cleaved into phenol and acetone with an acid, generally sulfuric acid.

How is cumene manufactured?

Cumene is manufactured from the distillation of coal tar and petroleum fractions, or is produced by the alkylation of benzene with propene using an acidic catalyst (European Commission, 2001).

How will you prepare acetone from cumene?

To prepare phenol, cumene is first oxidized in the presence of air of cumene hydro-peroxide. Then, cumene hydroxide is treated with dilute acid to prepare phenol and acetone as by-products.

What is cumene process Class 12?

Cumene (isopropyl benzene) is oxidised in the presence of air to give cumene hydroperoxide. It is converted to phenol and acetone by treating with dilute acid.

How is phenol obtained by cumene process Give reaction also what is the byproduct in this reaction?

Upon oxidation of cumene (isopropylbenzene) in the presence of air, cumene hydroperoxide is obtained. Upon further treatment of cumene hydroperoxide with dilute acid, phenols are obtained. Acetone is also produced as one of the by-products of this reaction in large quantities.

Which of the following is by product of cumene process?

This process converts two relatively cheap starting materials, benzene and propylene, into two more valuable ones, phenol and acetone. Other reactants required are oxygen from air and small amounts of a radical initiator. Most of the worldwide production of phenol and acetone is now based on this method.

How is cumene manufactured Mcq?

1. How is cumene manufactured? Explanation: Catalytic hydrogenation of isopropanol, Oxidation of butane and Oxidation of propylene are for the manufacture of acetone. Cumene is manufactured from polypropylene propane mixed with benzene.

Which catalyst is used in cumene process?

Cumene (isopropylbenzene) is presently produced from benzene and propylene using either solid phosphoric acid or anhydrous aluminium chloride or zeolite as catalyst.

What is cumene used for?

Cumene, also known as isopropylbenzene, 2-phenylpropane or (1-methylethyl) benzene, is widely used as a chemical intermediate in the production of phenol and acetone. Cumene is also used as a thinner for paints, lacquers, and enamels and it is a natural component of coal tar and petroleum.

What is the structure of cumene?


Which of the following is the byproduct of cumene process?

Answer: This process converts two relatively cheap starting materials, benzene and propylene, into two more valuable ones, phenol and acetone.

How is the phenol production process developed?

The design of the phenol production process is developed as part of the MSc-level course on Process Design at DTU. As the base case design, auto-catalyzed oxidation of cumene to cumene hydroperoxide subsequently cleaved over a solid catalyst to phenol and acetone is selected.

When was the first phenol acetone made?

In 1944, Hoch independently discovers the reaction of acid-catalyzed CHP decomposition. In 1949, Two industrial units for phenol–acetone manufacturing plants for the production are commissioned for the first time (Dzerzhinsk, Russia, and Canada, British Petroleum.2 1 The

Why is aerobic oxidation of cumene to CHP important?

Selective aerobic oxidation of cumene to cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) is an important industrially relevant process since it is one of the intermediates for the production of phenol [67, 68]. On the other hand, CHP is also employed in the Sumitomo process for the large scale production of propylene oxide [69,70].

What is the most important route to produce acetone?

By far the most important route is the cumene process [2] [3] [4]. Acetone is able to dissolve a wide range of chemical compounds, including polar, non-polar and polymeric materials [5,6] and is very soluble in water. Accordingly, most of the acetone production is used as a solvent, the properties as a solvent being known for a long time [7].


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