What is HP size Eurorack?

What is HP size Eurorack?

1/5 inch
Eurorack Rails are measured by their length in HP (HP as explained in the Horizontal Pitch blog), with 1 HP being 1/5 inch or 5.08mm. The Eurorack spacing standard between 2 rails is the distance of 3U, which is the equivalent of 5.25” or 133.35mm.

What is HP in CM?


horizontal pitch to kilometer (km) 0.00000508
horizontal pitch to meter (m) 0.00508
horizontal pitch to decimeter (dm) 0.0508
horizontal pitch to centimeter (cm) 0.508
horizontal pitch to millimeter (mm) 5.08

What is HP in modular?

HP [Horizontal Pitch] Short for Horizontal Pitch. In the Eurorack format for synthesizer modules, the width of a module is defined as the number of hp (horizontal pitch) units. Each hp is 0.2” (5 mm).

How big is Eurorack?

Physical. The physical specification is based on the Eurocard standard of: 3U (5.06inches or 128.5mm), where height “U” is measured in rack units, rounded for a lip. [NOTE: 3U in standard rack units would be 5.25inches or 133.3mm.]

What does 3U mean in Eurorack?

3U (5.06inches or 128.5mm), where height “U” is measured in rack units, rounded for a lip. [NOTE: 3U in standard rack units would be 5.25inches or 133.3mm.]

How wide is 1HP Eurorack?

1HP (0.2inches or 5.08mm), where width “HP” is measured in horizontal pitch units.

What is the size of a Eurorack?

The Eurorack format calls for modules of 128.5mm (slightly over 5″) height. Horizontal width is measured in “horizontal pitch”, where 1 HP = 5.08mm (exactly 0.2″). 3.5mm mono phone jacks are used for interconnection. The Eurorack format calls for ±12V power (most other current formats use ±15V), in addition +5V is required by some modules.

What size are Eurorack phone jacks?

The Eurorack format calls for modules of 128.5mm (slightly over 5″) height. Horizontal width is measured in “horizontal pitch”, where 1 HP = 5.08mm (exactly 0.2″). 3.5mm mono phone jacks are used for interconnection.

What is a Eurorack mixer?

Not to be confused for with the line of low-cost mixers marketed by Behringer under this name. The Eurorack format calls for modules of 128.5mm (slightly over 5″) height. Horizontal width is measured in “horizontal pitch”, where 1 HP = 5.08mm (exactly 0.2″). 3.5mm mono phone jacks are used for interconnection.

What is the HP of an electric easerack?

Eurorack Rails are measured by their length in HP (HP as explained in the Horizontal Pitch blog), with 1 HP being 1/5 inch or 5.08mm.


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